M.E. Website Directory

This M.E. Directory is an ever-growing list of links to M.E. blogs and M.E. organizations. Each link will open in a new window. Please contact me if you know of a link that should be added.

Jump to: Blogs by Patients & CarersAdvocacy, Research & Support Groups

Disclaimer: I do not necessarily endorse any methods or advice mentioned on the linked pages, please do your own research and speak to your health care provider before making changes to your treatment plan. 

Blogs by ME / CFS Patients And Carers

* This directory will be updated periodically. Please contact me if you’re a blogger with ME or CFS and would like to be added to this list. Click an image to visit their site, hover for details.

Char of Chronically Hopeful
Jennie of Occupy ME
Heather of Heather Dreske
Jenny of Tips For ME
Sue of Live With MEcfs
Julie of MEcfs Self-Help Guru
Ali of Everyday Kind Of Life
Elizabeth of Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart
Cort of Health Rising
Emma of Consciously Healthy
dSavannah of dSavannah Rambles
Alisha of Alisha Whittam
Steph of Rainy Days And Bright Clouds
Greg of Stonebird
Jo of A Journey Through The Fog
Anita of Anita's Actions
Susie of Find Your Own Hope
Catherine of Understanding Severe ME
Clare of Smiling Clare
Susan of Cinder Bridge
Veronique of Chronic Illness Trauma Studies
Mishka of Crafts, Chronic Illness, and Adulting
Corina of Little Wings
Jamison of Jamison Writes
Laura of Laura's Pen
Hannah of Super Pooped
Penny of Hope Found In ME
Emma of Not Just Tired
Four photos of ME bloggers, title reads "ME/CFS bloggers directory"
Four photos of ME bloggers, title reads "ME/CFS bloggers directory"

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M.E. Advocacy, Research & Support Groups

* This directory will be updated periodically. Please contact me if you know of a website that should be added to this list. 

Based In The United States

#MEAction A global movement fighting for recognition, education and research.

Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube

Open Medicine Foundation Supporting medical research to find effective treatments and diagnostic markers for ME and related chronic diseases.

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Solve ME/CFS Initiative A non-profit organization aiming to accelerate the discovery of safe and effective treatments.

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Bateman Horne Center Aims to empower patients, advance research, and improve care for those with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.

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Pandora Org Patient focused organisation providing advocacy, education and support.

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International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Dedicated to research, education, treatment and finding a cure for CFS/ME.

Based In The United Kingdom

The ME Association Awareness campaigns, research funding and patient support.

Facebook | Instagram | Twitter 

Action For ME Providing information, support and advice to children and adults with M.E. Home of the Young People’s Community.

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Cure ME & Biobank Leading participatory epidemiological, clinical and laboratory research into ME/CFS, home of the UK’s first Biobank for ME.

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The ME Trust Providing multi-disciplinary care and support directly to patients, their families and carers.

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M.E. Support Providing information, advice and support.


25% M.E. Group Advocacy, advice and support for people with Severe M.E.

Tymes Trust The young ME sufferer’s trust. Pursuing the educational rights and advancing the care of children with ME.

Facebook | Twitter

Irish ME/CFS Association Offering support to sufferers and carers, raising funds for research, providing information to raise awareness among the general public as well as within the medical profession and health care services. 


Irish M.E. Trust Providing information and counselling to those affected by M.E. as well as raising awareness among the general public and health care professionals. 


ME Advocates Ireland A non-profit, volunteer group advocating for recognition of ME in Ireland by promoting greater understanding of ME in the general public, medical profession and other related services.

Facebook | Instagram | Twitter 

Based In Europe

Associazione Onlus Malati Di CFS (Italia) Sensibilizzazione sulla gravità di questa malattia, in modo che i procedimenti di diagnosi, riconoscimento e terapie vengano resi più efficaci ed immediati.


Associazione CFS Onlus (Italia) Fornire informazioni e documentazione, diffondere conoscenze, sviluppare contatti con analoghe associazioni e tutelare i malati presso le istituzioni.

Facebook | Instagram 

Other Areas Worldwide

Emerge Australia Providing education and advocacy and supporting people with M.E.

Facebook | Twitter | YouTube 

ME CFS Foundation South Africa Addressing the needs of sufferers and advocating for their rights as well as educating the public, health care professionals and government.

Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube

FM-CFS Canada – Compassion In Action Aims to advance education, awareness and treatment of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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