Lots of hands giving thumbs up with gold confetti falling down. Title Reads WEGO Health Awards, ChronicallyHopeful

My 2020 WEGO Health Award Nomination – Advocating For Another

I’m so grateful and humbled to be nominated for another WEGO Health Award. This is the third year in a row which is just incredible to me. This year I’ve been nominated in the Advocating For Another category. In previous years I was nominated for my blog and for my Facebook advocacy, As patient advocates, just knowing that our efforts are recognised and appreciated is a big deal.  If you’d like to support my nomination, please endorse (vote for) me…

Read MoreMy 2020 WEGO Health Award Nomination – Advocating For Another
3 pots with seedling vegetables growing in them. Title reads Growing crops in pots, follow my gardening adventure growing vegetables indoors

Crops In Pots, Indoor Gardening While Housebound

​This month my sister and I are taking on a new project: crops in pots! I have always been interested in gardening and have always had a dream of being self-sufficient, living off the land, ​so now we are going to have a go at growing some edibles in pots at home!  In this series, I will be documenting our progress and sharing any information or tips I discover. I hope you will find this helpful or interesting. Gardening indoors…

Read MoreCrops In Pots, Indoor Gardening While Housebound
Watercolour painting of guinea fowl. Title reads: Critters in the garden, Week 3 of the Chronially Hopeful 52-week art project

The 52-Week Art Project – Garden Critters

​I was blown away by all the incredible critters you fabulous artists have created this week! It was week 3 and the prompt was Critters In The Garden. We had paintings, some pencil and ink drawings and we even had clay sculptures! Your creativity is so inspiring. I love seeing how each person interprets the prompts in their own way. In this post I’ll be sharing my ​process, supplies and throughts behind the painting I made. To see the art…

Read MoreThe 52-Week Art Project – Garden Critters
A bunch of coral roses, title reads ME Community News. News Headlines and Blog Hightlighs, Week 3

This Week’s M.E. News – Week 3, 2020

​After a long break, I’m back with this week’s ME News highlights and blog updates from the ME community. So make yourself comfortable and let’s have a catch up with our fellow warriors and allies! ​Remember, if you find any of these posts ​helpful or interesting, please share them on your social media, it will help ​to raise awareness and eliminate stigma. ​This Week’s M.E. News ​Please forgive me if my summaries aren’t too detailed this ​week, I’m still struggling…

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A photo of a bookshelf with books and greeting cards. Title reads: Getting organised for the year ahead.

Getting Organised For The Year Ahead – Personal Update, Jan 2020

​I am so excited for the year that lies ahead; something about new beginnings just really ​makes me happy. For me, 2019 was quite a difficult year health wise. It started off really well and then I think I overdid things in May with my very ambitious ME awareness campaigns and it totally wiped me out for the rest of the year. So I will try hard not to make the same mistake again this year. ​Looking Back At December…

Read MoreGetting Organised For The Year Ahead – Personal Update, Jan 2020
A snowy winter scene painted with gouache. Title reads: Snowy Winter Scenes, Week 2 of the 2020 52-week art project.

The 52-Week Art Project – Snowy Scenes

​It’s week 2 of the Chronically Hopeful 52-week art project! This past week ​the theme was ​Snowy Scenes and I have ​loved seeing all the winter wonderlands you have created! ​If you missed the ​previous weeks, you’re still welcome to jump in at any point and join us on this arty adventure! This is a no pressure project, not a stressful challenge, so take your time and enjoy the process when you can and just enjoy the gallery when you…

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A geometric watercolour pattern in shades of blue. Title reads: patterns in shades of blue, Week 1 of the 2020 Chronically Hopeful 52-week art project

The 52-Week Art Project – Patterns In Shades Of Blue

The Chronically Hopeful 52-week art project has finally started. I have been so excited to get it off the ground since I came up with the idea and ​now it’s here! This week ​the theme was patterns in shades of blue and I have been blown away by the unique ways that each person has interpreted that prompt! ​If you missed the first week, you’re welcome to jump in at any point and join us on this arty adventure! This…

Read MoreThe 52-Week Art Project – Patterns In Shades Of Blue