Lots of hands giving thumbs up with gold confetti falling down. Title Reads WEGO Health Awards, ChronicallyHopeful

My 2020 WEGO Health Award Nomination – Advocating For Another

I’m so grateful and humbled to be nominated for another WEGO Health Award. This is the third year in a row which is just incredible to me. This year I’ve been nominated in the Advocating For Another category. In previous years I was nominated for my blog and for my Facebook advocacy, As patient advocates, just knowing that our efforts are recognised and appreciated is a big deal.  If you’d like to support my nomination, please endorse (vote for) me…

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September 2019 nomination for the Chronically Hopeful Award

Chronically Hopeful Award, September 2019

​​I am honoured to have been nominated for the Chronically Hopeful Award! ​​And no, I did not create this award, ​the name is just a happy coincedence, although I had actually been planning to create one for ​spoonie bloggers myself​. But as you can see, fellow chronic illness warrior, Pamela ​from There Is Always Hope, beat me to it! I am so glad there is now a peer-nominated award to recognise and acknowledge all the amazing chronically ill and disabled…

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Lots of hands giving thumbs up with gold confetti falling down. Title Reads WEGO Health Awards, ChronicallyHopeful

My 2019 WEGO Health Award Nomination – Best In Show: Facebook

​I’m so honoured and grateful to be nominated once again for the ​WEGO Health Award​s. Last year I was nominated for ​the Best In Show: Blog category, this year it’s for the Best In Show: ​Facebook category for all my ME/CFS advocacy​. ​Being an advocate is hard work, especially when you have a severe chronic illness like Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Patients are putting their own health on the line during advocacy campaigns, pushing their limits, trying to be consistent, to be heard,…

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4 empty deck chairs on a pebbled beach, facing teh water. seagulls flying above.

The SIPB Summer Blog Tag: My Summertime Favourites

One of my favourite things about the blogging community are the seasonal tagging events. These blog tags are like a game of “20 Questions” and “Tag – You’re It!” rolled into one. You generally answer a bunch of themed questions or write a post based on a theme or prompt and then tag a few people to take part. It’s a wonderful way to get to know each other better and a fun escape from the usual topics we write…

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How to get more Instagram links, ChronicallyHopeful

How To Get More Links On Instagram Without Using LinkTree

If you are a blogger with an Instagram account, you will be very aware of the frustrating limit they have placed on us. I love Instagram, it is probably my favourite social media platform, but I must admit that the one-link-only rule has been very frustrating over the years. In this post, though, I am going to show you how I have overcome this obstacle and gained more click-throughs to my blog without using another app like LinkTree. Update 2024:…

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Lots of hands giving thumbs up with gold confetti falling down. Title Reads WEGO Health Awards, ChronicallyHopeful

My 2018 WEGO Health Award Nomination – Best In Show: Blog

I am so excited to share this news with you! I have been nominated for the 2018 WEGO Health Award in the Best In Show: Blog category! I first heard about WEGO Health Awards last year when one of the lovely warriors I follow on Instagram was nominated for her advocacy efforts. I later joined them on Twitter for a few of their live chats too. I thought it was a great idea to give recognition to these chronic illness…

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Sunshine Blogger Award 2018, ChronicallyHopeful

Sunshine Blogger Award, June 2018

Chronically Hopeful has been nominated for another blog award! The Sunshine Blogger Award is awarded to bloggers by bloggers, in recognition of their contribution to the community. In particular the Sunshine Blogger Award is awarded to those bloggers whose posts bring a bit of sunshine to the community by spreading joy and positivity.  I am honoured to have been selected. Who Nominated Me? A big thank you goes to Kristine from Kristine’s Blog who nominated me in April. Thank you…

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A season of anticipation, chronic voice link-up, BLOG

Update: A Season Of Anticipation And New Beginnings

I can’t believe we’re almost half-way through April already! This is possibly one of my favourite times of the year being the season of new beginnings. The days are becoming sunnier and longer, flowers are blooming and there is great excitement in my heart. Let me tell you why… More… This post is part of the April link party with Sheryl from A Chronic Voice, this month’s prompts are: Marvelling – at this time of year Splurging – um, what’s that? Continuing –…

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When intention, creativity and chronic illness collide, BLOG

Update: When Intention, Creativity and Chronic Illness Collide

This month has been quite productive! I can’t believe it’s almost gone already. I’m once again taking part in this thought-provoking monthly link-up with Sheryl from A Chronic Voice. I love the prompts she comes up with each month – they really force me to consider things I might not otherwise think about and perhaps, in a way, that helps to keep me focused and accountable too. This month’s prompts are: Adapting – to intentional rest and fasting Practicing –…

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Getting to know me tag, BLOG

Getting To Know The Me Behind The Illness

I’ve been nominated to take part in the blogging tag game “Me Behind The Illness”. I think it is a great way to remind ourselves and others that we are not only our illness, but there is so much more to each of us. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading everyone’s answers to these questions and can’t wait to compile mine! Since it is about me behind the illness/without the illness, I will focus on answering the questions as though I didn’t…

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