My First Liebster Award BLOG

My First Blog Award: Liebster Nomination

I was incredibly surprised when Emma from Not Just Tired nominated me for the Liebster Award. That was 3 months ago, in November last year. I had been blogging here for less than a year at the time, so was certainly not expecting a blog award. More… Not only do I love the name Not Just Tired (how fitting is that?), but I really enjoy Emma’s posts and was honoured to be nominated by her. I love her relatability, the…

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Jan 2018 Reflecting Aiming Expanding Focusing Refreshing BLOG

Reflecting, Aiming, Expanding, Focusing, Refreshing

I’m so happy to finally be taking part in A Chronic Voice’s monthly link-up! I have been silently following along from the shadows for months, then last month I finally wrote the post, but of course I waited till the very last day and actually missed the deadline by 4 hours because Sheryl works on Singapore time.  This time I’m doing a bit better, I am writing this post with 6 days to spare. Wow, I must say I am…

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Blog Link-up Dec

December 2017 Chronic Voice Blog Link-up

As this year draws to an end, I have decided to start something new here on the blog.  One of my favourite parts of blogging is taking part in link-ups or blog parties. If you’ve never heard of them, they are basically the virtual equivalent of a meet-up in a coffee shop with other bloggers online. Usually hosted by one or more bloggers, it is a collection of links, which are really invitations, to come visit other blogs who all…

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Blogmas 2017 Christmas Tag

Blogmas 2017 Christmas Tag!

One of the things I love about blogging are all the community events. Things like monthly challenges, link-ups and interviews. Holiday link-ups are always fun! I stumbled upon this fun Christmas link-up on the first of December after I’d already started writing my gift guide and my brain was thoroughly fried, so I have decided to take my time with it and just post it whenever I’m done. More… It’s kind of like the game of “Tag! You’re it!”. You…

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