About This Website
ChronicallyHopeful.com is a lifestyle blog documenting my attempt at living life well as a chronically ill person with big dreams and no energy.
You’ll find posts on all sorts of things from home life and gardening to journaling and art to adapting daily activities and raising awareness of chronic illness. I’ll be sharing the joys and struggles of a life with limits as well as sharing strategies and products that have benefitted me along the way.
About The Author
My name is Char, I was born and raised in Africa, but have been settled in Europe for over 20 years. I’m passionate about living well despite chronic illness.
Apart from blogging, I enjoy reading, cooking, gardening, gaming, various creative hobbies and learning new things.
I used to be a teacher, but have been housebound with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis since 2015. Since then, I’ve focused on spending the little energy and strength I have each day on the people and activities I love. Finding joy in the small things and celebrating the ordinary.
Contact Me
If you’d like to get in touch, click here to use my contact form, or you can email me at:

Medical Disclaimer
The authors featured on ChronicallyHopeful.com are not qualified health care professionals and cannot diagnose your conditions or prescribe any treatment plans. All content on this website is based solely on the personal experience of each author and is for information purposes only. The content on ChronicallyHopeful.com is not intended as medical, psychological or healthcare advice of any kind and should not be considered as such.
Although we strive to provide accurate general information, we cannot guarantee that the information presented is free of errors or omissions. The information presented at ChronicallyHopeful.com is not a substitute for any sort of advice received from registered healthcare professionals. It is advisable to do your own research and consult your healthcare provider before starting any new treatments or protocols.
Affiliate Links
Running and maintaining a website like ChronicallyHopeful.com is not free. Affiliate programmes allow bloggers to offset some of these costs by providing small commissions for referrals – at no cost to their readers. I am a member of the Amazon Associates Programme as well as some other affiliate programmes by companies I trust and use regularly, like Koldtec, Canva, Tailwind and Bulk, among others.
When you click on one of my affiliate links and proceed to purchase something from the website you end up on, I will get a small commission, at no cost to you, for the customer referral. The rewards are usually quite small, but they add up over time and will eventually translate to a voucher I can use on a future order. This can potentially help lower the cost of my supplement orders and any other supplies that need replacing over time since I buy most of my things from these companies – so I am very grateful for your support, every little bit helps!
Pages containing affiliate links will be clearly marked with an affiliate disclaimer like this:
This page contains affiliate links. This means I will make a small commission, at no extra cost to you, should you make a purchase after clicking on one of my links. Thank you so much for your support!
NOTE: Although I only link to products I love or believe would be beneficial to my readers, I cannot be held responsible for any purchases you make. I recommend reading reviews online and coming to your own conclusions before spending money.
Work With Me
I’m happy to work with brands that are relevant to my audience and their needs, that way both the brand and my audience get value from the collaboration. I only collaborate with brands I would use and like or if I think your products or services would be beneficial to my readers. I do not want to waste their time or yours. If you think Chronically Hopeful will be a good fit for your brand, please get in touch.
Website Branding
ChronicallyHopeful.com has gone through quite an evolution since its creation. These changes were based on the topics covered and the feel I was going for in each season of its existence.
I have always created my own logos, which have also changed over the years. You’ll find them on my website, on graphics I’ve made, and on my social media accounts.
Although they have changed over time, some things have remained constant: All Chronically Hopeful logos have “CHRONICALLY” written in all caps and “hopeful” written in a brush lettering style below it.
The older logo has a circle around the text and a small butterfly on the upper right, a symbol of hope as I went through the roughest part of my illness.
The newer logo only has the two words. Both logos are valid, they just represent different parts of my journey.
You might notice the colours on the website have changed too. ChronicallyHopeful.com used to be advocacy focused, so the colours I chose reflected that. I used a dark blue as that is the colour of the Myalgic Encephalomyelitis awareness ribbon. It just made sense at the time to have my website match the content I was creating most frequently.
As the focus of this website has changed, as of the end of 2022, I decided to update the look and feel of it too. Although the number of topics I’ll be covering has increased, I’m now using softer colours and a cleaner, less visually cluttered interface.
I hope these improvements will make navigating the site easier and more enjoyable. Please get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions.