Terms And Agreements

I am running a few awareness campaigns on ChronicallyHopeful.com and all connected social media accounts. In these campaigns I collect and share quotes and photos supplied by people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.

On this page you will find all the terms and agreements pertaining to the creation and use of these awareness graphics. But first, I’d like to address some points that keep coming up:

FAQ: Why Do We Need To Have Terms Of Use?

  1. To comply with European privacy laws (GDPR) requiring us to state why we are collecting personal information and how it will be used. This protects participants from having their personal information exploited and protects me as a content creator.
  2. Some people have already copied and edited images I have created and used them for their own purposes without consent, I would like to avoid this for reasons described below.*
  3. I do not gain anything commercially from the awareness graphics and want to protect participants from being exploited by others for commercial gain too.

FAQ: Why Do Your Graphics Contain A Watermark?

As an artist, it is my right to add my watermark (digital signature) to graphics I create. Like a painter signing their work. You wouldn’t remove an artist’s signature from a painting, would you?

My watermark is my website URL (ChronicallyHopeful.com) or logo, so that people can find more information when they see my graphics and want to know more, since my blog contains related articles. It is an effective way to raise awareness and provide more detail further along in the future when the graphics have been shared and re-shared online. So please leave the watermark in tact.

The #MillionsMissing Poster Campaign

The Millions Missing posters are part of a volunteer-led campaign, not an official ME Action Network campaign. The graphics follow ME Action Network’s branding standards, using their logo, fonts and colours, so I do not put my watermark on them. The terms of use below are still required since I’m collecting personal data to create them.

You might see these posters appearing in other languages. Volunteers from from around the world are collaborating with me, using my template, to create these posters in other languages. They are generally coordinators of international advocacy groups who have reached out to me about collaborating on this campaign. They do not have access to the information you provide in the Chronically Hopeful request form, but only deal with requests sent directly to them from people in their own M.E. community and in their own language.

*How To Share Other People’s Graphics

  • Don’t copy other people’s work. It’s great to be inspired to create your own graphics, but use your own colours, fonts and layouts. Even if somebody has inspired you, change it up.
  • Don’t edit other people’s work. If you’re sharing somebody’s graphics, please leave them in tact. Creators generally don’t appreciate people editing their work and getting credit for their ideas. It is theft of intellectual property.
  • Give credit where credit is due. When sharing other people’s work, the very least we can do is to leave their work, their watermarks or their logos in tact. To show appreciation and help others discover them, a shout-out or link back to the creator is always appreciated and in many cases is actually required by creators.

How To Make Your Own Graphics

I highly recommend Canva for creating graphics, they have great templates if you’re short on creative ideas as well as loads of free to use images and many interesting fonts. It keeps all your projects in one easy to find location so you can come back later to edit or duplicate things – you don’t have to start over each time – unless you want to make a new design. The website is free and easy to use and they have a free mobile app too. Click here to create an account and get started on creating your own lovely graphics.

Terms Of Use Of Awareness Graphics

The following Terms Of Use apply to all graphics containing the ChronicallyHopeful.com watermarks as well as the Personalised Millions Missing Posters. The watermarks in question are my website URL (ChronicallyHopeful.com) and my website logo (A circle with “Chronically Hopeful” text and a butterfly on the top right).

  • These graphics are all available, free of charge, for sharing online and on paper for the sole purpose of raising awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.
  • These graphics may not be printed on physical items other than paper for display at awareness events.
  • These graphics are not to be sold individually or as part of a collection, composition or product.
  • These graphics may not be edited, cropped, or modified in any way, they are to remain unchanged and in-tact.

User Agreement

  • Please note that by completing the request form to have one of these graphics made, you agree that the information you provide (except your email) will be shared publicly, by me and others, on social media and possibly on printed posters as part of various ME awareness campaigns each year.
  • You may use these graphics when you wish, you do not have to wait for mypermission or for ME Awareness days to share them.
  • You may add your own captions below the images when sharing them online.
  • You do not need to link back to me or credit me for the images when sharing them online.

Your Privacy

Some people are in vulnerable positions and cannot be identified publicly. If this applies to you, you may still contribute anonymously.

  • If you do not wish to use your real name, you may use a nickname or initials.
  • Your email address will not be shared publicly, it is only needed to contact you about yoursubmission, if necessary, and to send the completed graphic to you, if applicable.
  • If you do not wish to show your face, you may send a representative image instead. E.g. You could send a photo of the view from your bed in the “ME Perspective” style or send a photo of an empty pair of shoes you no longer wear in the “Millions Missing” style, or send an old picture of you doing an activity you can no longer participate in.
  • Photos sent for personalised graphics will only be used to create your personalised graphic and will not be shared separately from your personalised graphic.

These are general terms and conditions that apply to all awareness graphics created by me (Charlene from ChronicallyHopeful.com). However, each campaign might have variations on these terms and these will be expressly stated on the sign up form, if applicable.

To Summarise

  1. My graphics are free to use for online advocacy or printed on paper for awareness events.
  2. They may not be used for commercial gain in any way, shape or form.
  3. They may not be edited in any way, shape or form.
  4. You do not need to credit me when sharing them.

If you are still unsure about how you may or may not use my awareness graphics, or have any questions or concerns, please contact me.