Picture of green ferns, Title reads: M.E. Community News, News headlines and blog highlights from week 36 of 2019

This Week’s M.E. News – Week 36, 2019

​I’m running a bit late this week, but here’s a summary of the latest news ​on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis as well as blog updates from our fellow warriors. So, make yourself comfortable and let’s catch up! It seems to have been a busy week in our community, lots of new articles were published and there was the annual symposium at Stanford too. So I’m sharing a couple more articles than usual. Enjoy. ​This Week’s M.E. News If you enjoy any of…

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September 2019 nomination for the Chronically Hopeful Award

Chronically Hopeful Award, September 2019

​​I am honoured to have been nominated for the Chronically Hopeful Award! ​​And no, I did not create this award, ​the name is just a happy coincedence, although I had actually been planning to create one for ​spoonie bloggers myself​. But as you can see, fellow chronic illness warrior, Pamela ​from There Is Always Hope, beat me to it! I am so glad there is now a peer-nominated award to recognise and acknowledge all the amazing chronically ill and disabled…

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Picture of purple clematis. TItle reads: M.E. community news. News headlines and blog highlights for week 35 of 2019

This Week’s M.E. News – Week 35, 2019

​It’s time for this week’s M.E. ​news ​and ​blog updates from the ​community. So ​get ​a nice cup of tea or coffee and make yourself comfortable – let’s catch up! If you’re wondering about ways you can help raise awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, but are unsure how you could ​be helpful, know that one of the easiest ways to help is simply to share our content with the world. ​So share the link to this page (there are some one-click…

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Picture of orange and red tulips. Title reads: M.E. community news. News headlines and blog highlights for week 34 of 2019

This Week’s M.E. News – Week 34, 2019

​It’s that time of the week again! ​Pull up a chair and grab some snacks, we’ve got lots of exciting news and interesting blog updates from the M.E. community this week. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is getting more and more visibility in the media and we have all sorts of allies stepping up to support our campaigns. These are exciting times! Remember, an easy way to contribute to our ​cause is simply to share articles and personal stories from our community. The…

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A bed and bedside table with a lamp on it. Title reads: You might be an M.E. sufferer if... part 1, guest post by David A Graham.

You Might Be An M.E. Sufferer If… (Part 1) Guest Post By David A Graham

​I can’t read this without a ​smile on my face and shaking my head in agreement. In this three-part series our guest author, David Graham, shares ​his humorous ​take ​on life with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. I ​think it also ties in wonderfully with our Effects Of M.E. awareness campaign. I hope it makes you ​giggle as much as I am! ​I’ve also created some graphics you can share online if any of David’s comments resonate with you. Click on any of…

Read MoreYou Might Be An M.E. Sufferer If… (Part 1) Guest Post By David A Graham
A picture of tall purple flowers in a garden. Title reads: ME community news. News headlines and blog highlights from week 33 of 2019

This Week’s M.E. News – Week 33, 2019

​Grab a cuppa and get comfy – it’s time for some weekend reading! I’ve gathered together a ​collection of some of this week’s ​M.E. news ​as well as some lovely blog updates from the community. ​This Week’s M.E. News ​​The M.E. Association is hosting a new series focused on Very Severe M.E. Greg has been caring for his wife, Linda, for ​over 20 years and is a passionate advocate for those most severely affected by Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. In this ​​first…

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An empty bed in a dark room, title reads: Poem, Severe M.E. is... What it's like living with severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

A Poem About Life With Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

​August 8 is Severe M.E. Awareness Day. A day to give a voice to the millions of people around the world who are living in isolation and torment due to the harsh effects of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. 25% of people with M.E. are housebound or bedridden. The most severe living in darkness and silence for years… decades even. Neglected, misunderstood, vulnerable and severely disabled, yet they carry on fighting, waiting, hoping. Moment by moment. One day their breakthrough will come. One…

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Lots of hands giving thumbs up with gold confetti falling down. Title Reads WEGO Health Awards, ChronicallyHopeful

My 2019 WEGO Health Award Nomination – Best In Show: Facebook

​I’m so honoured and grateful to be nominated once again for the ​WEGO Health Award​s. Last year I was nominated for ​the Best In Show: Blog category, this year it’s for the Best In Show: ​Facebook category for all my ME/CFS advocacy​. ​Being an advocate is hard work, especially when you have a severe chronic illness like Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Patients are putting their own health on the line during advocacy campaigns, pushing their limits, trying to be consistent, to be heard,…

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A beautiful red Lily. Title reads: Creating a retreat away from my own bedroom, personal update.

Creating A Retreat Away From My Own Bedroom

Everyday there seems to be something new in the garden. It’s constantly changing. I try to take a walk through the house daily, so I can look out the windows and see the different parts of our garden, it doesn’t always happen, but it’s a goal. ​And I’ve been careful to stay out of direct sunlight, shading my eyes better this week, after my sun-induced crash ​recently. Looking Back On The Past Week I’ve spent much of this week in…

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Title reads My chronic illness Story, How it all started and how you can help, by Chronically Hopeful, Picture of Char lying in bed under blankets, shes in an ME flare wearing sunglasses and headphones

My Chronic Illness Story: How I Became Housebound With Severe M.E.

​May is ME Awareness Month and once again I am participating in the ​virtual campaigns online to help raise awareness of this life-destroying illness called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Today I’m sharing my story. How did I become so terribly ill and housebound? When did it happen? And how long did I have to wait for a diagnosis? Here’s my ME story: I had a very busy and active life, teaching, going to church and Bible studies, tutoring and babysitting after hours…

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