My 52-Week Project – A Year Of Art

One of my goals for 2020 is to create more art. In order to reach that goal, I’ve created the Chronically Hopeful 52-Week Art Project​.​ It consists of 52 prompts, one for each week of the year, to ​guide my creativity, keeping me focused​ and inspired.

Having a fluctuating chronic illness means that I’m not always able to be creative, so I thought one prompt per week would be easier to manage than the one prompt per day ​that many other challenges ​provide. I cannot wait to get started – here’s to a whole year of colourful art!

​How ​The 52-Week Art ​Project Works

​The ​52-Week Art Project ​consists of 52 prompts, one ​for each week of the year. The prompts are divided into 4 sets based roughly around the 4 seasons, so each set will last about 3 months.

Each week I will create at least one piece of art, a painting or a drawing, inspired by the prompt for that week and I’ll share it over on my art Instagram and my Facebook profiles using the dedicated hashtag #CH52art. So do follow ​me over ​there if you’d like to get notifications whenever I upload a new photo.

I’ll also post collections here on the blog ​every ​few weeks ​where I’ll describe my throughts, processes and supplies used for each piece.  If you’d like to join me on this creative journey, I’ll leave some guidelines at the end of this page.

​Winter ​Prompts

List of prompts for Winter, Chroincally Hopeful 52-Week Art Project

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These prompts will cover January, February and March and will feature cool, wintery themes.

​01. create patterns using shades of blue
02. snowy scenes
03. critters found in the garden
04. winter woollies (gloves, scarves, etc)
05. night sky over mountains
06. stained glass effect
07. pine cones
08. ​create something using only 2 colours
09. galaxy
10. abstract, using cold shades
11. pot plants
12. jewels or crystals
13. waterfall

​Spring Prompts

List of prompts for Spring, Chroincally Hopeful 52-Week Art Project

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​These prompts will cover April, May and June and will feature ​colourful Spring themes.

14. create patterns using just one colour
15. English cottage garden scene
16. ​floral wreaths
17. butterflies
18. sunset over trees
19. abstract, using pastel shades
20. succulents
21. blossom trees
22. clouds
23. spring flowers
24. abstract, using bright colours
25. pets
26. reflections in puddles

​Summer Prompts

List of prompts for Summer, Chroincally Hopeful 52-Week Art Project

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​These prompts cover July, August and September, featuring bright, summery themes.

​27. ​a day at the beach​
28. ​summer blooms​
29. ​tropical island​
30. ​garden tea party​
31. ​under the sea​
32. ​sunset over water​
33. ​mosaic​
34. ​waves​
35. ​nautical theme​
36. ​abstract, using summer colours
​37. ​birthday party​
38. ​camping
​39. ​feathers

​Autumn Prompts

List of prompts for Autumn, Chroincally Hopeful 52-Week Art Project

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​These prompts will cover October, November and December and will feature warm autumn tones.

​40. a walk in the forest​
41. ​African landscape​
42. ​leaves​
43. ​pumpkins and other harvest scenes
​44. ​abstract, using autumn colours
​45. branches with berries​
46. ​​Poinsettia flowers​
47. ​wrapping paper patterns
​48. ​wreaths
​49. ​​deer or moose​
50. ​​Christmas trees
​51. ​snow globe scenes​
52. ​fireplace or mantlepiece

Would You Like To Join Me?

​​I would love to have you join me on this creative adventure​! ​​​It will add to the fun ​as well as ​providing accountability and inspiration. Let me know if you’ll be participating so I can come find your creations and feature them too. 

Note: If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere and your seasons are inverted, feel free to use the prompts in the order that matches your seasons! Thanks to my cousin in South Africa ​who came up with that idea.

My ​​requests if your choose to participate:

  1. ​Please share the prompt graphics ​so others ​can find us and join in too​. ​Share each ​image at least once and tag me @ChronicallyHopefulArt.
  2. Use the hashtags #CH52art in your captions so that we can find each other. ​I will feature your creations on my stories if you use ​the #CH52art hashtag.
  3. ​If you’re ​participating ​and don’t have Instagram or Facebook ​but still want to share your art, ​there is a gallery below where you can upload photos of your creations.
Watercolour geometric pattern with paintbrushes and tubes of paint above the painting. Title reads: Join the 52-weel art project #CH52art #52WeeksOfArt

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​What Medium ​Will You Use?

I will be using gouache, watercolours, pens and markers for my art project, but you can use any medium you love to use. Whether it’s photography, fabric, clay, paint, ​baking, quilting, or collage – the idea behind this project is simply to create.

My hope is that the prompts help to guide our creativity and inspire it, but they must certainly not limit it. 

Below are some of my favourite supplies. I’ll provide exact product details for each individual piece I create in my updates, but these are the ones I most frequently use:

​Art Supplies I ​Love To Use

This page contains affiliate links. This means I will make a small commission, at no extra cost to you, should you make a purchase after clicking on one of my links. Thank you so much for your support!

Tubes of Gouache

A tube of Winsor and Newton Gouache

​View in US / UK store

​Paint Brushes

A set of Winsor and Newton Cottman paint brushes

​​View in US / UK store

​Watercolour Paper

Bockingford watercolour paper test sheets. Hot pressed and cold pressed.

​​View in US / UK store

​Water Brushes

4 Aquash brushes with Pentel written on top left corner

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​Ballpoint Pens

A set of 5 Uni-ball Eye Pens

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Fine Liners

A set of Uni-pin Fine liners

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​White Gel Pen

Uni-ball Signo White Gel Pen with its cap off

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​Paint Pens

A set of Posca Paint Pens in pastel shades

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​Stardust Pen

A Sakura Gelly Roll pen in Clear stardust colour

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​Large Brush Pens

A set of 6 Tombow dual brush pens

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​Small Brush Pens

A Tombow Fudenosuke brush pen and cap

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​Blendable Markers

A set of 6 Spectrum Noir blendable alcohol markers

View in US / UK store

Lettering Challenge

Along with the art project, I’ll also be doing a lettering challenge/project. Each week I will be focusing on a new letter of the alphabet. I’ll do drills and practice various words and phrases throughout the year.

If you’d like to improve your lettering, join me on this project too. Use the hashtag #CH52abc when posting your work on Iinstagram so we can find each other. And I’ll feature your work on my stories too.

You can use various techniques such as brush lettering, pointed dip pens, watercolours or hand lettering for this project. Decide which you would like to ​master and dedicate some time each week to improving your skills.

You’ll be surprised at how much you can improve with consistent practice. I can’t wait to see all your fabulous creations!

​Remember, you can follow along on Instagram ​at @ChronicallyHopefulArt or on Facebook at ​.

​Here’s to a year of creativity! ​​​

​​Week 1’s Prompt Is: Patterns In Shades Of Blue

​You may use any medium you like to interpret the prompt, then upload a photo of your creation to your social media using the hashtag #CH52art ​or upload it directly into the  gallery at for others to enjoy! Visit the gallery at any time to admire all the fabulous ​art.

Enjoy The Latest Creations By Participants

If your work is not yet in the gallery, click the blue button below and upload it now!

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Thank you for stopping by. Hugs, Char xx
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Chronically Hopeful
Chronically Hopeful

Char was born and raised in Africa, but has been settled in Europe for over 20 years. She's passionate about living well, despite chronic illness. Apart from blogging, she enjoys reading, cooking, gardening, gaming, various creative hobbies and learning new things.

She used to be a teacher, but has been housebound with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis since 2015. Since then, she's focused on spending the little energy and strength she has each day on the people and activities she loves. Finding joy in the small things and celebrating the ordinary.


Let's Chat! Leave A Comment Below:

  1. This is a great idea. I should follow along with you. Maybe my goal for 2020 will be to stress less and to create more artworks and by the end of the year I’ll haev a whole collection to post up on my page. Your artworks are beautiful, I look forward to seeing them every day. I have started following you on your FB page now.

  2. So We are in Australia and it’s Summer over here and stinking hot with some days reaching up to 45 degrees! Should I start backwards with the Summer prompts which you will have in our winter or just paint along with you?