It’s that time of the year again: The 100 Day Project has started and I am so excited about it this year!
I first heard about this incredible challenge in 2015, soon after falling ill, and decided it was a good way to keep busy while I recovered at home. (At that point I did not think I would still be at home 3 years later!)
I try to take part each year, but I have yet to complete a whole 100 days. I am hopeful and quite determined that 2018 will be my year to finish it. I’m changing it up this year and can’t wait to share my project with you!
What is The 100 Day Project?
The 100 Day Project is a community project or challenge shared on Instagram annually. People choose a project or habit they would like to work on daily for 100 days and share proof on Instagram of completing each daily session.
Participants commit to spending around 10 min a day on their chosen “project” – the idea is to show up, no matter what. Create new habits, learn new skills, and share your creations with others.
It doesn’t have to be a creative project, although that’s how it started, it can be 100 days of making, doing, learning, practising, writing, photographing – whatever you want. This is your project. The community on Instagram offers encouragement, inspiration and accountability.
This year (2018) it runs from 3 April to 12 July.
My 100 Day Project
I have decided to do things a bit differently this year and have actually set 3 challenges for myself. One is creative, one is health related and one is spiritual:
- Create 100 Days of Chronically Hopeful Art (create something daily)
- Health 100 Days of Hydration (drinking 6 glasses of water daily)
- Faith 100 Days of Bible Chapters (read a chapter a day)
How Will I Track My Progress?
Since the event is Instagram based, I will be sharing my creative works in progress on my Chronically Hopeful Art profile daily. For the water consumption and Bible reading challenges, I have created a tracker in my Bullet Journal where I will colour 6 boxes as I drink the water and write the chapter reference once I’ve read it.
I actually also have a water tracker built into my weekly spread in my journal, I have flowers with 6 petals which I colour in as I finish a glass of water. I just thought it would be useful to have the entire 100 day project tracked on one page.
How’s It Going To Work?
I don’t want to give away too many details, but for the art project I have decided to do 10 mini projects lasting 10 days each. So every 10 days I will post a round-up here on the blog and show you my final, completed work.
In the photo above you can see an envelope on the left, I have filled it with themes and prompts, so at the start of each 10 day cycle I will pick a theme from the envelope (it will be a blind selection, so the theme will be a surprise) and the art I produce for the next 10 days will be based on that theme.
The random theme selection process means that it might not always be something I’m good at painting, but that’s the point of this whole challenge – show up and paint. Practice makes progress!
The plan is to have at least 10 completed projects by the end of the 100 days.
The Creative Space
I have tidied up the desk in my room and brought out all the supplies I will be needing so that each session will be as effortless as possible.
The less time spent planning, setting up and organising daily, the more time and energy I will have to actually create before the pain and fatigue sets in.
My space might not be spotless and tidy, but it’s ready for art and that’s what matters!
Which Medium Will I Be Creating With?
My focus will be on watercolour and gouache.
I feel like I am still quite a beginner when it comes to watercolour techniques specially since I have only recently moved away from cheap powdery watercolours to the liquid varieties which behave quite differently. I would like to use this 100 Day Project to improve my skills. Also, it will be the first time I use gouache, so I am very excited about that!
As far as Gouache goes, I have some Artist’s Loft and some Daler Rowney tubes which I look forward to playing with. It is completely new to me, so I cannot advise on which would be better to purchase. I’ve linked the ones I have up top.
The watercolours I’ll be using are Spectrum Noir Aqua Tint inks, but it seems these were a special edition product that are no longer on sale.
If you’re looking to purchase some watercolours, I’d recommend using Dr. Ph Martin’s Bombay India Ink or Ecoline for liquid varieties, or Prima Marketing Confections if you think you’d prefer pan sets (linked above). They are all currently on my wishlist – I’ve heard great things about them and have seen the gorgeous colours they produce!
Which Supplies Will I Be Using?
I cannot sit upright for long in my condition, so I have decided to use small A6 sheets of hot pressed watercolour paper. This way I should be able to complete most pieces in 1 to 3 sittings. My sister has cut them up for me in advance, so they’re all ready to go!
I’ll be using my favourite paint brushes so far which are the Winsor and Newton Cottman brushes I linked above as well as the Pentel Aquash set. I also use a dedicated toothbrush for splattering paint sometimes.
I will also be using a set of plastic pipettes to measure and transfer ink and water when mixing colours, and a range of containers I use as mixing palettes.
Some other things that are always handy to have nearby are: paper towel, clean water, artist’s tape, and scrap paper for testing colours.
Despite never completing one of these, I am optimistic for this year and really hope I manage it.
I think it is an excellent way to meet new creatives, gain lots of experience and learn new habits or skills.
The consistent repetition is an excellent way to improve muscle memory and just generally improve with anything you do.
I can’t wait to see the difference 100 days makes!
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Are you taking part in The 100 Day Project too?– What is your project?- Where are you sharing your daily pieces – please leave your link so we can find you!
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