Join me as I learn to grow food and flowers on a south-facing balcony in a Mediterranean climate.

3 pots with seedling vegetables growing in them. Title reads Growing crops in pots, follow my gardening adventure growing vegetables indoors

​This month my sister and I are taking on a new project: crops in pots! I have always been interested in gardening and have always had a dream of being self-sufficient, living off the land,…

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Coal Tits First visitors at Bird Feeder, Breakfast With Birds, ChronicallyHopeful

After moving to our new house last week, we hung our first bird feeder out on Monday and waited (im)patiently for the birds to come eat, but they didn’t. No birds to be seen at…

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Enjoying Nature from Indoors, BWB, ChronicallyHopeful

Welcome to our garden! We have just moved into a lovely new house and this one has a garden! I am beyond excited about being able to see the gorgeous views of nature from different…

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Char leaning her head on her arm, pulling a funny face