How I overcame insomnia BLOG

How I overcome insomnia

When I first got ME/CFS, I was so utterly exhausted, I slept many hours a day and I slept at night too. Later I was introduced to one of ME’s most horrible symptoms: insomnia. I know the frustration and despair that comes from not getting sleep for nights on end, so in this post I will explain how I overcome insomnia whenever it creeps back into my life. It’s quite ironic that people think having ME/CFS means we sleep all…

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Christmas lights and baubles in some branches. Title reads: How I survived Christmas despite Severe M.E. My tips for coping during the festive season

How I Survived Christmas Despite Chronic Illness – How To Cope During The Festive Season

One thing that can really cause a lot of stress for people with Chronic illness is coping with Christmas and all that it entails. For me personally, Christmas has changed so much over the years. It’s ​changed from huge family get-togethers when I still lived with my parents, to multinational bring-and-share gatherings of friends once I moved to London, and then small meals with just my sister and I in my bedroom after I fell ill, ​and every combination in…

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ME CFS Flares, How to cope BLOG

ME/CFS flares: what do they feel like and how to cope

People with ME all suffer at varying degrees, we cannot compare our flares to somebody else’s. What one considers an ME/CFS flare another considers just another regular day with ME. What one person with ME considers a normal day, might be somebody else’s idea of torture. Once thing they all have in common is that everybody’s battle is devastating. We learn to acknowledge and respect everybody’s pain and everybody’s victories, because despite not fully understanding each other’s experiences, we can…

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Man holding his head in his hands. Title Reads, Where to get help when you feel like giving up. Helplines & Prayer Partners available 24/7 Worldwide.

Do You Feel Like Giving Up? Where To Get Help When You Can’t Cope

In the chronic illness community, I have found some of the strongest people you will ever come across. They are warriors who fight many battles daily, often against their own bodies or minds, just to get through each day. As much as there is hope and strength, there is also a lot of neglect and isolation. It is natural in these lonely and scary times to feel like giving up. I often come across people who are losing all hope,…

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Healthcare professionals pulling a patient's bed along the corridor

Why I Avoid Emergency Services And My Top Tips For Coping At Home

I often see people with ME/CFS writing about how they have spent hours in the emergency room only to be completely disappointed, misunderstood or even disbelieved. They go to the emergency room because they are feeling so weak and exhausted that they don’t know where else to go or what to do, they’re scared because they feel so utterly ill. I understand the fear that leads you to that conclusion, it’s scary to lose control of your body, but it’s…

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A man sleeping next to his dog. Title reads 12 tips to help you adjust to your new normal. Are you struggling to adjust after your ME / CFS diagnosis?

12 Tips To Help You Adjust After An ME, CFS Or PVFS Diagnosis

I am regularly contacted by people who have recently been diagnosed with Post Viral Fatigue or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. They are often scared, worried and confused, but also hopeful and determined to return to their normal life. Their question is usually the same: what can I do? Having a diagnosis of PVF or CFS is difficult to deal with because there is so little information out there and often doctors don’t know what to tell you. They haven’t been trained…

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Natural Health Worldwide's logo of a tree growing in the palm of hands

Natural Health Worldwide: Healthcare For The Housebound Patient

Natural Health Worldwide (NHW) is a new website that launched on 1 June, 2017. It is a portal which connects patients from all round the World with NHW health practitioners. These practitioners, also from all round the World, can be Medical Doctors, other qualified Health Professionals or Experienced Patients. Each practitioner has an individual webpage where they can describe their qualifications, their experience and what they specialise in. Patients can search the site by type of practitioner and or illness…

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A pill bottle and glass of water in the foreground, in the background a woman sleeping on a bed. Title reads: using MSM supplements to relieve chronic pain. Methylsulfonyl Methane, also called the miracle supplement

MSM for Chronic Pain Relief

​I’ve had quite a few people ask what I’m using for ​to reduce chronic pain. One of my favourite things since falling ill is MSM supplements. It is my one staple since I first heard about it and it’s potential to help the body heal from all sorts of things. It is even ​referred to as the “miracle supplement” and also the “beauty mineral” because it is so beneficial in so many areas. One of the reasons for this is…

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A stack of pebbles with clouds in the sky in teh background. Title reads: Ten commandments for reducing stress. How to reduce stress if you're chronically ill.

Ten Ways To Reduce Stress If You’re Chronically Ill

Would you like to know how you can reduce the stress that comes from doing life with a chronic illness? When living with a chronic illness it is easy to let all sorts of negative feelings creep in. Guilt, loneliness, fear, frustration, helplessness, these are all common emotions among spoonies, and they’re not the only ones or the worst. ​But the problem with letting such emotions linger is that they tend to cause havoc in our bodies, often making us…

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A girl lying on her bed, writing in her jouornal. TItle reads: bullet journal helpful for people with chronic illness

Bullet Journal Helpful For People With Chronic Illness

If you’ve been hanging out on Pinterest, YouTube or Instagram, you might have heard about the Bullet Journal, but what you might not know is that a Bullet Journal is quite helpful for people with chronic illness.  If you are anything like me, you collect lovely journals and have a stack of them just waiting to be used. You never know when the need will arise to use a notebook, but when that moment comes, you’ll be ready!  I’ve started…

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