A season of anticipation, chronic voice link-up, BLOG

Update: A Season Of Anticipation And New Beginnings

I can’t believe we’re almost half-way through April already! This is possibly one of my favourite times of the year being the season of new beginnings. The days are becoming sunnier and longer, flowers are blooming and there is great excitement in my heart. Let me tell you why… More… This post is part of the April link party with Sheryl from A Chronic Voice, this month’s prompts are: Marvelling – at this time of year Splurging – um, what’s that? Continuing –…

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Celebrating My Rebirth-day BLOG

Baptism: Celebrating My Rebirth-day

April is a very special month for me. Many of my great life changes seem to have happened in April. This particular celebration is very special to me: on 7 April 2012 I was baptised in the sea at Brighton beach in the UK! I was 30 years old at the time. Baptism was something I had been thinking about doing for years, but I never really understood what living a life in Christ really meant and how baptism fit…

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When intention, creativity and chronic illness collide, BLOG

Update: When Intention, Creativity and Chronic Illness Collide

This month has been quite productive! I can’t believe it’s almost gone already. I’m once again taking part in this thought-provoking monthly link-up with Sheryl from A Chronic Voice. I love the prompts she comes up with each month – they really force me to consider things I might not otherwise think about and perhaps, in a way, that helps to keep me focused and accountable too. This month’s prompts are: Adapting – to intentional rest and fasting Practicing –…

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Getting to know me tag, BLOG

Getting To Know The Me Behind The Illness

I’ve been nominated to take part in the blogging tag game “Me Behind The Illness”. I think it is a great way to remind ourselves and others that we are not only our illness, but there is so much more to each of us. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading everyone’s answers to these questions and can’t wait to compile mine! Since it is about me behind the illness/without the illness, I will focus on answering the questions as though I didn’t…

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My First Liebster Award BLOG

My First Blog Award: Liebster Nomination

I was incredibly surprised when Emma from Not Just Tired nominated me for the Liebster Award. That was 3 months ago, in November last year. I had been blogging here for less than a year at the time, so was certainly not expecting a blog award. More… Not only do I love the name Not Just Tired (how fitting is that?), but I really enjoy Emma’s posts and was honoured to be nominated by her. I love her relatability, the…

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A messy bed. Title reads: Imagine... a day in the life of M.E. Have you ever wondered what chronically ill people do all day?

Imagine… A Day in The Life of ME

It might surprise you how often people with chronic illness are asked what they do with all the free time they have at home. I think many healthy people have no idea how difficult it is to deal with unrelenting symptoms on a daily basis. I hope to shed some light on this by sharing with you what a day in the life of Severe ME is like. This post was originally written as a first person account of my…

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Jan 2018 Reflecting Aiming Expanding Focusing Refreshing BLOG

Reflecting, Aiming, Expanding, Focusing, Refreshing

I’m so happy to finally be taking part in A Chronic Voice’s monthly link-up! I have been silently following along from the shadows for months, then last month I finally wrote the post, but of course I waited till the very last day and actually missed the deadline by 4 hours because Sheryl works on Singapore time.  This time I’m doing a bit better, I am writing this post with 6 days to spare. Wow, I must say I am…

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Needing a wheelchair at 35, ChronicallyHopeful

Thoughts On Needing A Wheelchair At Age 35

A year ago today I got my wheelchair! I was almost completely bedridden at the time. Walking just a few steps every hour or two just to keep circulation and muscles alive was a chore. As a family we were house-sitting in the Lake District at the time. It was a long term arrangement, so was kind of our home away from home, but I had been confined to an upstairs bedroom and was unable to get out to see…

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First outing in 5 months BLOG

My First Outing in 5 Months

I am so happy to have visited the beautiful Lake District this holiday! As anybody with a chronic illness can tell you, holidays are a stressful time that we often dread. With many more people around, an increase in noise, activity and an abundant selection of unhealthy food choices, it is inevitable that we will experience an increase in unpleasant symptoms and will at some point need to isolate ourselves in order to rest and recover. I am fortunate to…

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Blog Link-up Dec

December 2017 Chronic Voice Blog Link-up

As this year draws to an end, I have decided to start something new here on the blog.  One of my favourite parts of blogging is taking part in link-ups or blog parties. If you’ve never heard of them, they are basically the virtual equivalent of a meet-up in a coffee shop with other bloggers online. Usually hosted by one or more bloggers, it is a collection of links, which are really invitations, to come visit other blogs who all…

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