A polaroid of Char using a walker to go shopping. Title Reads: Using Mobility Aids In My Thirties

Mobility Aids, The Benefits Of Using A Walker For Shopping

As a thirty-something year old woman, who looks perfectly healthy, walking around a supermarket with a walking aid most commonly used by the elderly can bring up all kinds of feelings. When elderly people who are clearly struggling are walking around the same supermarket without any mobility aids, the looks you get can cause an odd mixture of gratitude, shame and even guilt. Today has been such a good day! After spending most of yesterday in bed, today I managed…

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Char enjoying the sunshine outside. She's wearing sunglasses and smiling.

Focus On The Blessings Of The Present Moment

Today has been amazing! Its such a gorgeous day, extremely hot and sunny. I’ve only spent short bursts outside as my skin burns in the sun today – it’s that hot!  I started the day with a lovely reading session out on the patio, the sun had just come round the wall and was slowly flooding my patio with light and heat. I’ve been enjoying The Raggamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning lately, and today’s piece was quite fitting. It was…

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Char is out on her patio, laughing and holding some pens and markers

Celebrating The Ordinary: A Gratitude Log

My happy face, my happy place. What a gorgeous day today! So hot and sunny with a lovely cool breeze… I just love British summers! And today I celebrate with colour. I even mismatched my earrings on purpose, they match my mood though! Today I enjoyed a few hours at the desk with all my pens – lettering and colouring. I don’t usually sit at the desk, and I won’t usually sit there very long either, but it’s been a…

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Autumn leaves on a tree. Title reads: When simple errands become overwhelming. Personal Update.

Chronic Illness: Making Simple Errands Overwhelming

When unforeseen problems force me to go out despite severe ME/cfs, simple errands can become overwhelming very quickly. I had to go out today, needed to send off some paperwork, but my printer ran out of ink, again! I needed to print off a load of sheets, so I had to take a bus to get that done at one place, then off on another bus to find a post office to send it. By the time I got to…

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Yellow roses in polaroid, Title on the right reads: My first 6 months housebound with MEcfs.

My First 6 Months Of ME/CFS: The Best And Worst Months Of My Life

Today marks the end of six months since I got the viral infection that changed my life. That gloriously sunny day in Italy on the first of April 2015. It all happened so quickly and unexpectedly, I was out cycling in the countryside one minute and in bed the next. My body reached a point of weakness and exhaustion that I’d never known before and nothing has been the same since.  Today marks six months of being housebound with constantly…

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Clouds in a blue sky, Title reads: Assessment and diagnosis at the chronic fatigue clinic, an update on my ME/cfs journey.

My Assessment And Diagnosis At The Chronic Fatigue Clinic

I attended my first appointment with the Chronic Fatigue Clinic today. I finally have an official diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis). At last! I was referred to the CFS clinic by my doctor about 5 months ago, but the waiting lists are long. I’ve been searching for help online in the meantime and just doing what I can to manage alone. The clinic is about 45 minutes away and requires a couple of changeovers by…

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Char standing in front of her desk. She has dark circles under her eyes. Title Reads: When I'm Too Weak To Eat The Food I've Prepared

When Preparing A Meal Makes You Weak

It’s been a very weak and shaky few days. Trying to live within my very low energy limits is not easy. I seem to be crashing constantly. It makes managing everyday tasks like cooking and cleaning quite difficult. When Cooking Makes You Collapse Yesterday I rested all morning then at midday I made a salad and almost collapsed, fortunately my bed is just a few steps from my kitchenette! I praise God for this tiny flat, God knew what was…

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A bouquet of yellow roses in a vase. Title Reads: The randomness of my symptoms, a personal update

The Randomness Of My Post Viral Symptoms

This week I’d say my main issue has been pain. I’d wake up in pain, in the night, and in the morning. I’ll have aches all day, toothache, headaches, migraines, stabbing pain, hip pains, light sensitivity pain… All sorts. I’d still have a bunch of other symptoms too, but overall I’d say it’s been a relatively good week anyway. A Variety Of Random Symptoms I can function in the house with pain. I read, draw, cook, eat, maybe wash some…

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