A woman dancing in a field at sunset. TItle reads: the freedom of letting go. You don't notice the weight you're carrying until you let it go.

The Freedom Of Letting Go

​Sometimes you don’t notice the weight you’re carrying until you let it go. This is often such a hard truth to accept, but letting go of that control we try so hard to hold onto can actually be very liberating! There really is freedom in letting go. Being A Control Freak There are many areas in our lives where we crave order and control, but in reality it isn’t up to us and we can save ourselves a lot of…

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Char's hand holding a stack of 3 coconut treats. Title reads: Bounty bar alternative recipe.

Paleo-Ketogenic Bounty Bars Recipe

I often get asked about the recipe for these delicious treats. When you switch to a paleo or ketogenic way of eating, it is often difficult to come to terms with losing many of your favourite snacks. Finding clean alternatives to snack on is usually very difficult because they either taste nothing like the original or just downright awful! Bounty bars were one of my favourite chocolates, so I was very happy when I first found a recipe for them.…

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A stack of pebbles with clouds in the sky in teh background. Title reads: Ten commandments for reducing stress. How to reduce stress if you're chronically ill.

Ten Ways To Reduce Stress If You’re Chronically Ill

Would you like to know how you can reduce the stress that comes from doing life with a chronic illness? When living with a chronic illness it is easy to let all sorts of negative feelings creep in. Guilt, loneliness, fear, frustration, helplessness, these are all common emotions among spoonies, and they’re not the only ones or the worst. ​But the problem with letting such emotions linger is that they tend to cause havoc in our bodies, often making us…

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A girl lying on her bed, writing in her jouornal. TItle reads: bullet journal helpful for people with chronic illness

Bullet Journal Helpful For People With Chronic Illness

If you’ve been hanging out on Pinterest, YouTube or Instagram, you might have heard about the Bullet Journal, but what you might not know is that a Bullet Journal is quite helpful for people with chronic illness.  If you are anything like me, you collect lovely journals and have a stack of them just waiting to be used. You never know when the need will arise to use a notebook, but when that moment comes, you’ll be ready!  I’ve started…

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Close up of herbs on a windowsill. Title reads: Enjoying nature while stuck indoors. Bring the beauty of nature to your room

Enjoying Nature When You’re Housebound With Chronic Illness

Living with a chronic illness like ME/CFS often means that you are housebound and unable to enjoy the outdoor activities you once loved. You might be like me, love nature and going exploring, but your condition has left you stranded in your home. But even if you can’t go out, you can still enjoy nature while housebound! Although there is no magic cure to get you out and about, there are a few things I have done to help me…

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An open journal featuring the September layout. Title reads: September layout, how I'm tracking my health and activities.

Bullet Journal Layout, September 2017

Don’t you just love the flexibility of the Bullet Journal system? I keep changing it up. Not only every month, but even weekly sometimes! It’s great that the pages are blank and I can create whatever layout and pages I need for the season I’m in. Here’s a walk through my September setup. Monthly Cover Page And Overview So once again I have changed my bullet journal layout as I found some things just weren’t working as well as they…

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Char's legs covered in itchy bumps. Title reads: allergic reaction, itching and hives. Personal Update.

Allergic Reaction: Itching And Hives

I went to the doctor again this week. This is the fourth doctor I’ve seen about my itching. She was lovely and also thinks it’s an allergic reaction after examining the bumps with a magnifying tool. She initially thought folliculitis, but changed her mind upon inspection. The constant itching and hives are really becoming a problem. They don’t go away anymore. They used to just last about an hour then go away, but this week it has been non-stop. So…

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Book Review: The PK Cookbook by Dr Sarah Myhill. Go Paleo-ketogenic and get the best of both worlds.

The Paleo-Ketogenic Cookbook, by Dr Sarah Myhill

Dr Myhill’s latest book arrived in the mail ​this week! It’s a Paleo-ketogenic cookbook called “The PK Cookbook – Go Paleo-Keto and get the best of both worlds“. I managed to get a copy on early release and love what I’ve seen so far. Couldn’t Put It Down I’ve been so excited to get this book and have already gone through the whole book, highlighting and sticking post-it notes all over the place! ​I like all the information I’ve seen,…

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Char sitting in a wheelchair in a botanical nursery. Title reads: shopping with the family, Personal Update.

My Wheelchair And I: Shopping With The Family

​I actually left the house this week! Leaving the house is not something that happens very often when you have a chronic illness as debilitating as M​yalgic Encephalomyelitis. Months can go by without seeing the other side of my front door. I have reached a point where I’m able to walk around the house daily without causing too much payback, but going out is still so utterly draining that it usually takes me days to recover. My First Outing In…

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Char lying on the sofa, looking exhausted. Title reads: how I've been since moving to the new house. Personal update.

How I’ve Been Since Moving To The New House

We are settled in the new house now and I’m happy to say that I’m doing much better than I was a few months ago in London! Of course I’m still housebound, but I’m able to be up and walk around the house in the day. No more staying in bed all day, except during flares if I overdo things. Something I did over the last two days, but other than that I haven’t ​had a big flare since moving…

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