Char is pointing to her shirt which shows an empty battery with the words "low spoon warning" on it. Title reads: Histamine issues have caused the M.E. to flare up. personal update.

My Histamine Issues Have Caused An ME/CFS Flare

​It’s been a while since I wrote a personal update. I have recently been extremely drained and weak, so haven’t been very social or active online. My primary focus this month was on my itching. I wanted to try get it under control as it was really getting me down, much more than ​the M.E. does. I ​have been in tears and so very frustrated. The scratching ​has been utterly exhausting and to top it off, I caused myself a…

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Char's bare leg full of itchy bumps. Title reads: How I'm managing histamine intolerance. Eliminating the itching, rashes and hives.

Histamine Intolerance: Reducing The Itching, Rashes And Hives

Have you been experiencing itching, rashes or hives since changing your diet? Have you had no luck in identifying an allergen or trigger despite elimination diets and eating clean? If you have recently switched to a low carb diet, it is very possible that you are experiencing an allergic reaction, though you might not be allergic to individual items, it might be a little more complicated than that. Something I recently discovered, which surprised me, is that people can be…

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Char's legs covered in itchy bumps. Title reads: allergic reaction, itching and hives. Personal Update.

Allergic Reaction: Itching And Hives

I went to the doctor again this week. This is the fourth doctor I’ve seen about my itching. She was lovely and also thinks it’s an allergic reaction after examining the bumps with a magnifying tool. She initially thought folliculitis, but changed her mind upon inspection. The constant itching and hives are really becoming a problem. They don’t go away anymore. They used to just last about an hour then go away, but this week it has been non-stop. So…

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Some books and papers strewn on the table. Title reads: I'm still itching, time to find the unknown allergen. Personal update.

Still Itching: Time To Find The Unknown Allergen

I’m still struggling with this allergic reaction that started in February. I initially thought it was the Keto rash and tried coming off the ketogenic diet to get rid of it, without success. I then thought histamine intolerance, so I went low histamine, which cut out a huge amount of staples for me, including my main fat sources. So I added dairy back in. This full body itch still persists, I’m not sure what it is and it just won’t…

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