Char's bare leg full of itchy bumps. Title reads: How I'm managing histamine intolerance. Eliminating the itching, rashes and hives.

Histamine Intolerance: Reducing The Itching, Rashes And Hives

Have you been experiencing itching, rashes or hives since changing your diet? Have you had no luck in identifying an allergen or trigger despite elimination diets and eating clean? If you have recently switched to a low carb diet, it is very possible that you are experiencing an allergic reaction, though you might not be allergic to individual items, it might be a little more complicated than that. Something I recently discovered, which surprised me, is that people can be…

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A collage of 4 meals, title reads: How carbs make my MEcfs symptoms worse. Personal update

How Carbs Make My ME/CFS Worse

Carbs really make my ME/CFS symptoms worse! I have spent so much time on the sofa and in my bed again this week. One would think I’d no longer be surprised by this, but I continue to shake my head every time it happens. It’s the carbohydrate effect. This current flare is most likely due to the fact that I’m out of ketosis again since trying to deal with my allergies/histamine disorder. I assume I’m no longer fat adapted because,…

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Title reads Keto for ME/cfs, How the ketogenic diet reduced my symptoms. Photo of asparagus, avocado, chia seeds, eggs and tomato on a while table top.

How The Ketogenic Diet Reduced My ME/CFS Symptoms

If you’ve been following my journey for a while, you’ll be aware that I use Keto for ME/cfs management. I often get asked what this ketogenic diet has done for me. What benefits have I had? Why should somebody give up those delicious carbs and starchy foods? Are the benefits really worth the sacrifice? Should you try Keto for ME/cfs too? In this post I’ll explain my journey so far. In short, in my opinion, the answer is yes –…

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Char scratching her arm. Title reads: Keto rash, relieve the itch.

Keto Rash: Relieve The Itch

This past week has been rather frustrating – I started itching all over my body! I had been itching previously too, but put it down to the fact that I wasn’t showering very frequently due to my CFS, but I have come to the conclusion that I might have that they call Keto Rash. With the paleo-ketogenic diet I have actually improved my condition slightly and have been able to shower every 3-4 days rather than only once a week.…

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Meat and vegetables on a table. TItle reads: My first 40 days on the paleo-ketogenic diet. Using diet to manage my chronic pain and fatigue.

My First 40 Days On The Paleo-Ketogenic Diet

I’m happy to report that there have been some welcome improvements after a month on this LCHF (Low Carb, High Fat) diet! As discussed in a previous post, I started this journey into a Paleo-ketogenic lifestyle in February 2017 in an attempt to help improve my current condition. I have quite severe ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) which has left me bedridden about 98% of the time. Things were looking quite bleak a few weeks ago, I was getting progressively…

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A plate of fried eggs, salami and red pepper. Title reads: Transitioning to a paleo-ketogenic diet. Managing chronic fatigue and pain with diet

Transitioning To A Paleo-Ketogenic Diet

As some of you might know, I have recently started reading Dr. Sarah Myhill’s book, Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis. It’s a huge book, with over 400 pages, and includes so much detail about how the body works and what she believes is happening to sufferers of ME I’m so excited about this! I am currently unable to read all the scientific reasoning behind her approach and she actually warns the reader about this issue…

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