Carbs really make my ME/CFS symptoms worse! I have spent so much time on the sofa and in my bed again this week. One would think I’d no longer be surprised by this, but I continue to shake my head every time it happens.
It’s the carbohydrate effect.
This current flare is most likely due to the fact that I’m out of ketosis again since trying to deal with my allergies/histamine disorder. I assume I’m no longer fat adapted because, amongst other things, my munchies have returned with a vengeance!
The Vicious Circle
You see, I’ve increased certain carbs (mainly apples and sweet potatoes) which help reduce histamine building up in the body, but by trying to solve one problem (itching, hives) I’m causing another (ME/CFS flare).
It’s a vicious circle, but one has to decide what the priority is and work with that. For me it was the itching. I just couldn’t take it anymore!
So by reducing the histamine load, I have unintentionally caused a massive ME/CFS flare.
I’m okay really… just sleepy, shaky, achy. Nothing unusual for ME/CFS, except that ketosis helped me eliminate most of those symptoms for most of the time, so I’m not used to this anymore.
The Effects Of A High Carb Diet
I sleep till almost noon daily, digestion utterly drains me, and I’ve not made my 1000 step target for a few days now.
Also my blood circulation seems to be low. My limbs go all tingly with pins and needles quite often now and I feel awful when upright.
Incredible how all the ME/CFS symptoms come creeping back when I eat too many carbs. It happens every time I veer off the ketogenic way of eating. Every single time!
It’s okay, this too shall pass…
Taking the opportunity to be quiet and alone and just rest as best I can. That’s the best thing to do during a flare: nourish and rest.
As soon as I feel the histamine issue is under control, I will start moving back into ketosis and my body should wake up again. I can’t wait!
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