Paleo-keto Breakfast and Snacks BLOG

Paleo-Ketogenic Breakfast and Snack Ideas

Some of the most common questions I get asked when people are considering the ketogenic diet is “What can I have for breakfast?” and “Which snacks can I eat?”. I have compiled a list of breakfast and snack ideas which I have enjoyed since I made my transition to Keto at the start of 2017. I hope these will inspire you. You might notice, though, that after a while on this diet you will no longer be as hungry as…

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Getting to know me tag, BLOG

Getting To Know The Me Behind The Illness

I’ve been nominated to take part in the blogging tag game “Me Behind The Illness”. I think it is a great way to remind ourselves and others that we are not only our illness, but there is so much more to each of us. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading everyone’s answers to these questions and can’t wait to compile mine! Since it is about me behind the illness/without the illness, I will focus on answering the questions as though I didn’t…

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Paleo-ketogenic chocolate truffles BLOG

Paleo-Ketogenic Chocolate Truffles with Almond Filling

One of the staples in my house are these ketogenic chocolate truffles. These delicious little fat bombs are protein packed too! They are nutty and chocolatey and they melt in your mouth. I love having mine as dessert after a meal with a cup of coffee.  I’m not sure where the original recipe came from, but we have modified it since and I will be sharing with you the recipe we now use every week. I hope you will enjoy…

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How I overcame insomnia BLOG

How I overcome insomnia

When I first got ME/CFS, I was so utterly exhausted, I slept many hours a day and I slept at night too. Later I was introduced to one of ME’s most horrible symptoms: insomnia. I know the frustration and despair that comes from not getting sleep for nights on end, so in this post I will explain how I overcome insomnia whenever it creeps back into my life. It’s quite ironic that people think having ME/CFS means we sleep all…

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My First Liebster Award BLOG

My First Blog Award: Liebster Nomination

I was incredibly surprised when Emma from Not Just Tired nominated me for the Liebster Award. That was 3 months ago, in November last year. I had been blogging here for less than a year at the time, so was certainly not expecting a blog award. More… Not only do I love the name Not Just Tired (how fitting is that?), but I really enjoy Emma’s posts and was honoured to be nominated by her. I love her relatability, the…

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A messy bed. Title reads: Imagine... a day in the life of M.E. Have you ever wondered what chronically ill people do all day?

Imagine… A Day in The Life of ME

It might surprise you how often people with chronic illness are asked what they do with all the free time they have at home. I think many healthy people have no idea how difficult it is to deal with unrelenting symptoms on a daily basis. I hope to shed some light on this by sharing with you what a day in the life of Severe ME is like. This post was originally written as a first person account of my…

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a field of forget-me-not flowers

ME/CFS Awareness Pictures To Share, Part 5

Every Wednesday the ME community comes together on Twitter to raise awareness of this debilitating chronic illness. We share recent media coverage, research news, our personal experiences and more. Making new connections and supporting each other. I often join in and share various ME awareness pictures during that hour. ​Below you will find the graphics I shared during the last ME Awareness Hour. I hope this will help you understand what life is like with ME If you have learned…

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Jan 2018 Reflecting Aiming Expanding Focusing Refreshing BLOG

Reflecting, Aiming, Expanding, Focusing, Refreshing

I’m so happy to finally be taking part in A Chronic Voice’s monthly link-up! I have been silently following along from the shadows for months, then last month I finally wrote the post, but of course I waited till the very last day and actually missed the deadline by 4 hours because Sheryl works on Singapore time.  This time I’m doing a bit better, I am writing this post with 6 days to spare. Wow, I must say I am…

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Needing a wheelchair at 35, ChronicallyHopeful

Thoughts On Needing A Wheelchair At Age 35

A year ago today I got my wheelchair! I was almost completely bedridden at the time. Walking just a few steps every hour or two just to keep circulation and muscles alive was a chore. As a family we were house-sitting in the Lake District at the time. It was a long term arrangement, so was kind of our home away from home, but I had been confined to an upstairs bedroom and was unable to get out to see…

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Encouraging quotes Jan 2018 BLOG

Encouraging Quotes to Share, Jan 2018

Welcome to my first freebies page! I make a lot of images for my social media profiles and have decided to share them with my readers. This post has my latest pictures with encouraging quotes. You are welcome to download and share any of these images on social media or send them to friends who might need some love and uplifting. More… How can I use these graphics? You may download these images to use on social media, print them…

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