Christmas 2016 – A Quiet Dinner With Friends

Had a lovely quiet holiday weekend, but did enjoy my first outing in a couple of months on Christmas day. Was super blessed to have such understanding and considerate friends and that the Lord gave me just enough strength and relief to be able to really enjoy the day! Praise God!

Christmas With Friends

Our friends came to pick us up and brought us back later in the evening. We got to spend a quiet and fun evening with the 2 of them in their new flat. There was a wonderful roast dinner which consisted of a Cornish Game Hen each, stuffed with an incredibly tasty wild rice stuffing. Green bean casserole and the most delicious freshly baked bread were also on the menu, as was homemade mulled wine. It was all so very good!

We had just sat down to eat when I sipped my white wine and within moments I felt utterly ill. This was the moment I realised that I am one of the people with ME/cfs who are intolerant to alcohol. There are those who cannot tolerate any at all and those who can continue to drink it without effects. I haven’t touched any since! The mulled wine seemed fine, I imagine the alcohol is evaporated in the heating process, so it has no effect.

After dinner we opened gifts and then enjoyed a funny movie before our lift back home. It was so lovely to get out of the house and see friends again.

Christmas Dinner with friends, 2016

Paying For My Outing

Although I’ve been in bed for the last couple of days since, today I felt quite good generally. Just my hips and coccyx tried to kill me each time I stood up. So much pain! I washed a few dishes this evening and tried to make a rice salad for dinner, had to stop and get back to bed in the middle as I got so weak and dizzy and felt I would collapse… Of course my sister finished off the dinner for us. So glad to have her here!

Then by 9-ish pm I was utterly exhausted again and had to lie down. I think I managed to fall asleep by around ten and slept for only an hour. Woke with the left side of my body numb and tingling… Like Pins and needles on steroids. Left arm and leg. Dead. So my sis suggested I sit up in bed to help the blood flow back to my limbs, it did help, and here I am at 2 am still awake…

Last night I also lost feeling in my left leg. I also had to sleep by ten and slept until ten this morning! Struggling to wake up in the mornings, not like me to sleep so late in the day. My mind has been all over the place too. Hard to form sentences at times, I’m forgetting words, or what I’m saying mid-sentence, it’s frustrating. Safe to say I’m in some sort of flare within a flare.

Spending my time in bed colouring, surfing Internet, Netflix and daydreaming… Also known as recovery mode. Minimum exertion activities. And by minimum exertion I mean activities that require little to no brain or body exertion!

Typing is exhausting and I’m getting sleepy again too… By the way, I haven’t showered in days, so I haven’t taken any new photos in my current state.  I’m hoping tomorrow can be a shower day!

Thank you for stopping by. Hugs, Char xx

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email chronically hopeful char at gmail dot com

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Chronically Hopeful
Chronically Hopeful

Char was born and raised in Africa, but has been settled in Europe for over 20 years. She's passionate about living well, despite chronic illness. Apart from blogging, she enjoys reading, cooking, gardening, gaming, various creative hobbies and learning new things.

She used to be a teacher, but has been housebound with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis since 2015. Since then, she's focused on spending the little energy and strength she has each day on the people and activities she loves. Finding joy in the small things and celebrating the ordinary.

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