A plate of fried eggs, salami and red pepper. Title reads: Transitioning to a paleo-ketogenic diet. Managing chronic fatigue and pain with diet

Transitioning To A Paleo-Ketogenic Diet

As some of you might know, I have recently started reading Dr. Sarah Myhill’s book, Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis. It’s a huge book, with over 400 pages, and includes so much detail about how the body works and what she believes is happening to sufferers of ME I’m so excited about this! I am currently unable to read all the scientific reasoning behind her approach and she actually warns the reader about this issue…

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A lady with bed head, looking exhausted. Tital reads, Are you a chargie or a spoonie? Both analogies for chronic exhaustion explained.

Are You an Unchargeable or a Spoonie?

People often wonder what we mean when they hear us talking about spoons or that we are a spoonie or unchargeable. These are words I never used before joining the world of the chronically ill and disabled. In this post I will try to explain the meaning behind these terms and which one I identify with most. How To Know If You’re A Spoonie Or A Chargie Both these terms refer to our body’s inability to produce enough energy. People…

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A woman carrying a bucket of cleaning products. Title reads: Don't do your best, do less. How to avoid the boom and bust cycle.

Don’t Do Your Best, Do Less: How To Avoid The Boom And Bust Cycle

Anybody who has ME or CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) will be very familiar with the boom and bust cycle. ME’s main characteristic is Post-Exertional Neuroimmune Exhaustion (PENE) also commonly referred to as Post Exertional Malaise (PEM). Feeling really ill, weak and exhausted after any physical, emotional or mental exertion.  This means brushing my teeth, getting excited about a visitor coming, answering the phone or writing this post is exhausting and will cause an increase in a variety of symptoms.…

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Man in a wheelchair with his hand on the wheel. Title reads: Not all disabilities are visible. International day of people with disabilities.

International Day of People with Disabilities: Not All Disabilities Are Visible

December 3 is International Day of People with Disabilities. It’s a great opportunity to raise awareness and make some noise all over the internet (and in real life) if you can manage it. The message I want to get across this year, is that not every disability is visible. There are many conditions that do not display any outward signs of illness or disability, but they are just as debiitating as any condition you can clearly identify. Leading A Double…

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A long list of symptoms, title reads: my symptoms of ME/cfs in 2015. Dozens of fluctuating symptoms.

My Many Symptoms Of ME/CFS In 2015

You might be wondering why on earth I’d write about the symptoms of ME/cfs when everybody knows Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME is about always being tired. What most people don’t know is that this neurological illness causes dozens of unrelenting symptoms that fluctuate constantly and are quite unpredictable. The very least of these is an unfathomable exhaustion at the slightest exertion! Fatigue is the least of our worries – let me share with you the list of symptoms that…

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