Celebrating my first completed knitting project since I was about ten years old! I have been trying to knit a scarf with this one ball of wool for years and years, I’ve knitted and undone it so many times over and last night I finally completed it.
One ball obviously wasn’t enough for a full scarf, so it’s been turned into a twisted neck warmer. I think it’s officially called an infinity scarf – it’s so warm and soft too!
My great gran taught me how to knit when I was about 4 or 5.
I remember going to her house after pre-school. I would sit on her pouf in front of her as she taught me. Later on at Primary School, when I was about 9 or 10 years old, we also had “needlework” as a subject and knitting was the focus for one of our school terms. I made a coat hanger cover – but I had help.
Over the years I picked it up again here and there, my mum would refresh my memory and off I’d go, but I never actually finished anything I started – until now. So this is quite an accomplishment!
This morning I started right away with my next project in between dozing off constantly. Payback for too much computer time yesterday, I imagine. I can’t wait till I’ve completed the next piece – it’s so rewarding!
Note: a version of this was first published on Instagram or Facebook, but I wanted to have all my posts in one place, so I have transferred it here and backdated it.
What About You?
- Do you knit?
- Who taught you?
- What is your favourite thing to knit?
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