First outing in 5 months BLOG

My First Outing in 5 Months

I am so happy to have visited the beautiful Lake District this holiday! As anybody with a chronic illness can tell you, holidays are a stressful time that we often dread. With many more people around, an increase in noise, activity and an abundant selection of unhealthy food choices, it is inevitable that we will experience an increase in unpleasant…

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Christmas lights and baubles in some branches. Title reads: How I survived Christmas despite Severe M.E. My tips for coping during the festive season

How I Survived Christmas Despite Chronic Illness – How To Cope During The Festive Season

One thing that can really cause a lot of stress for people with Chronic illness is coping with Christmas and all that it entails. For me personally, Christmas has changed so much over the years. It’s ​changed from huge family get-togethers when I still lived with my parents, to multinational bring-and-share gatherings of friends once I moved to London, and…

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Blogmas 2017 Christmas Tag

Blogmas 2017 Christmas Tag!

One of the things I love about blogging are all the community events. Things like monthly challenges, link-ups and interviews. Holiday link-ups are always fun! I stumbled upon this fun Christmas link-up on the first of December after I’d already started writing my gift guide and my brain was thoroughly fried, so I have decided to take my time with…

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Christmas in Africa BLOG

Summertime Christmas in Africa

When people think of Christmas, they think of snow, father Christmas or Santa Claus, Pine trees and funky Christmas sweaters. We also think about the birth of Jesus and the whole reason for the season. What many people don’t realise is that people on the other half of the planet celebrate Christmas during Summer! I was one of these people.…

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colourful flouting balloons with title, Gift Guide, what to buy for your Chronically Ill Friends

Gift guide: what to buy for your chronically ill friends, part 2

I know many people find such joy in shopping for gifts. They start shopping months in advance and they buy the most thoughtful, personalised gifts anybody would love, that’s not me. I’m so unorganised!  If you’re anything like me, you’ve waited till the last minute to do your gift shopping. Whether it’s for a birthday, Christmas or a house warming…

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A bowl of colourful confetti spilled on a wooden table. Title says, Gift guide, what to buy for your chronically ill friends.

Gift Guide: What To Buy For Your Chronically Ill Friends, Part 1

It can be quite tricky deciding what to buy your friends with chronic illness because of all the limitations and intolerances we often have. What would be useful and not harmful in their condition? There are many lists out there, and they’re all slightly different depending on the condition they’re tailored for, so I’m making a list of the things…

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Leaves in the pouring rain. Title Reads, keeping an eternal perspective despite our circumstances.

Keeping An Eternal Perspective

I absolutely believe that we are safer with God in any storm than we would be anywhere else without Him. It’s hard when you focus on the pain and suffering in this world or even your own personal trials to remember that this is just a fraction of eternity. This will eventually pass, it is only a temporary part of…

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Join the MAIMES campaign, Chronically Hopeful #MEcfs #pwME #ChronicIllness

MAIMES: Medical Abuse in ME Sufferers

As anybody with ME/CFS and their carers will know, many doctors and health care practitioners still treat ME as a psychological disorder, when in fact it has been proven to be physiological. Patients have been dismissed for decades, disbelieved, misunderstood and symptoms ignored. The current treatment recommended for ME/CFS patients is CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, a type of psychologically based…

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