The 100 Day Project 2018 BLOG

My 100 Day Project for 2018

It’s that time of the year again: The 100 Day Project has started and I am so excited about it this year! I first heard about this incredible challenge in 2015, soon after falling ill, and decided it was a good way to keep busy while I recovered at home. (At that point I did not think I would still…

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When intention, creativity and chronic illness collide, BLOG

Update: When Intention, Creativity and Chronic Illness Collide

This month has been quite productive! I can’t believe it’s almost gone already. I’m once again taking part in this thought-provoking monthly link-up with Sheryl from A Chronic Voice. I love the prompts she comes up with each month – they really force me to consider things I might not otherwise think about and perhaps, in a way, that helps…

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How I overcame insomnia BLOG

How I overcome insomnia

When I first got ME/CFS, I was so utterly exhausted, I slept many hours a day and I slept at night too. Later I was introduced to one of ME’s most horrible symptoms: insomnia. I know the frustration and despair that comes from not getting sleep for nights on end, so in this post I will explain how I overcome…

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a field of forget-me-not flowers

ME/CFS Awareness Pictures To Share, Part 5

Every Wednesday the ME community comes together on Twitter to raise awareness of this debilitating chronic illness. We share recent media coverage, research news, our personal experiences and more. Making new connections and supporting each other. I often join in and share various ME awareness pictures during that hour. ​Below you will find the graphics I shared during the last…

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