Have you been searching for graphics to easily share with friends and family what Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is really like? Would you like to share relevant and informative infographics about ME? Find pictures that will give visual impact and get the point across without wasting your energy and time explaining? I’m so excited to introduce ME Awareness Pictures to you today!
ME Awareness Pictures is a community resource where we can collect and share ME awareness pictures from all over the web. In this post I will tell you where you can find them and even how you can help to expand the collection. There is also an opportunity to be a featured ME warrior!
The Inspiration For ME Awareness Pictures
I’m sure you are familiar with the striking awareness graphics created by Klara Wilson of “ME Awareness Pics“. Sadly, Klara is no longer with us, but her legacy remains as ME warriors around the globe continue to share her pictures daily.

MEAwarenessPic by Klara Wilson

MEAwarenessPic by Klara Wilson
I thought is was sad that her Facebook page, which is referred to on most of the graphics, is no longer online and thought that it would be wonderful to have a place to collect all the amazing ME awareness pictures circulating the internet. Not just Klara’s, but also the new ones that so many creative warriors are continuously designing. And so, ME Awareness Pictures was born. A community project you can contribute to.
What Is M.E. Awareness Pictures?
- A collection of awareness and advocacy pictures for you to share.
- A place for you to share graphics you’ve made with the community.
- Stories from many ME warriors who will share the realities of life with ME.
- A way for the ME community to raise awareness and connect with others.
It is not a place for memes and jokes about life with chronic illness, there are many other places for those. This is where you will find powerful, honest, to the point graphics to share on awareness days.

Translating M.E. Awareness Pictures
I’m currently working with a team of volunteers who are translating our awareness pictures into various languages. The aim is to help people with ME to raise awareness and share their experience in their own language.
If you speak another language and would like to get involved, please get in touch.
ME Awareness Pictures On Facebook
Like and Follow the Facebook community page where we upload any awareness graphics we find online. From here our community can easily share the pictures whenever needed. No more hunting the internet for ME infographics or advocacy images.
Follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/MEawarePics!
How You Can Contribute On Facebook
You can contribute to the collection by tagging @MEawarePics on any awareness pictures you find, or sending us a message with the pictures you have found or created. Any submitted graphics will be uploaded to all our accounts and credited.

Some of The Featured ME Awareness Pictures
ME Awareness Pictures On Instagram
We’re on Instagram too! If you have installed a repost app on your phone or simply take screenshots, you can easily share pictures from our Instagram account. You can share awareness graphics to your grid or, if you use the paper airplane icon under a picture, you can post it directly to your stories!
Follow us on Instagram @MEawarePics!
How You Can Contribute On Instagram
You can help us grow our collection of awareness pictures by tagging @MEawarePics or using the hashtag #MEawarePics in the comments of any awareness graphics you find on Instagram. We will repost and give credit as always.
ME Awareness Pictures On Twitter
We have a Twitter profile too – it’s at @MEawarePics! All the pictures that are shared to Facebook and Instagram are also tweeted on this profile. From here you can easily retweet any of our awareness graphics – a great place to source content for ME Awareness Hour on Wednesday evenings too!
#MEawarenessHour is on Twitter every Wednesday at 8pm GMT / 3pm EST , you can share your own experience, ME research, media coverage or simply retweet content from the community. One hour to stand together and make some noise. Come join us!
Follow us on Twitter at @MEawarePics!
How You Can Contribute On Twitter
You can help us grow our collection by tagging us on any awareness pictures you find on Twitter. Use the hashtag #MEawarePics or tag us using @MEawarePics on any awareness pictures you find and we will retweet them.

Some of The Featured ME Awareness Pictures
ME Awareness Pictures On Pinterest
We have a group board on Pinterest where you will find all the ME Awareness Pics that we’ve collected. This will make it easy for people to save, share or repin the pictures directly from the Pinterest website or app.
This board will give you access to a good supply of awareness graphics when awareness week comes by again!
Follow the ME Awareness Pictures Group Board on Pinterest!
How You Can Contribute On Pinterest
Why not become a contributor on the ME Awareness Pictures group board? That way you can pin any awareness images you make yourself or find online. Get in touch with me if you’d like to be added to the ME Awareness Pictures board. You can send me a message on Pinterest or click here to send me an email.
I will need to know your Pinterest username or an email address so I can send you an invitation to the group board.
How To Be A Featured M.E. Warrior
You can be a featured warrior on our website and social media profiles too! This is a great way to let others know they are not alone and to help raise awareness of the realities of ME.
Your contribution should include:
- Your M.E. story – share as much or as little as you feel comfortable sharing, perhaps something about your life, your experience as a person with M.E or a relevant topic that might affect other people with M.E. too.
- A photo of you – if you do not show your face online, you may send a photo of your view from your sofa or bed where you spend most of your time or ask me to use a stock image.
- A link to your social media account or website (optional). This is so that we can tag you on the feature and your link will be added so people can find you online if they want to connect.
To be featured, send your story via email or fill in an interview form of your choice.

Some of The Featured ME Awareness Pictures
Giving Credit
You will see on our posts that we try to credit the creator of each of the pictures we share by linking to their profile or website.
We really want to support the ME community and that includes supporting the creatives who spent time and energy designing such striking awareness pictures!
If you find your graphics on our pages without a credit, please report the issue.

Pin This Post!
If you are a creative and have designed some graphics I have not yet featured, please get in touch or upload your graphics directly onto the Facebook page.
My Goal For ME Awareness Pictures
My hope is that this community project will be easy to use, helpful and informative. Not only for the ME warriors who tirelessly advocate and share their experience whenever they can, but also for the family, friends and carers who often have to answer difficult questions about us and our condition when a picture really can be worth a thousand words.
Please let me know in the comments if you have any thoughts or suggestions about this project, I’d love to hear your ideas!

Very interesting. It’s great that there are so many awareness images out there available for ME/CFS.
Yes! When I first fell ill it was so hard to find them, so I feel like having a place to collect them all, and linking to all the various designers, would be a great help when awareness days roll round or newly diagnosed patients need to explain their condition without much effort.
Fantastic service to our community, Char!
Thank you so much for organizing this.
Thanks, Ellie! Glad you like it and would find it helpful. Mission accomplished! 😉
I’m very interested in this project and willing to help and contribute in any way I can. Klara Wilson was a good friend of mine and her and her husband Rob helped design the cover for my first book of poetry and some of my poems. I have a facebook page, a blog, share on twitter, instagram and pinterest. I would be happy to be featured as an M.E. warrior. I’ve sent a message to your page on facebook. Please let me know what you would like me to do from here. Ros
Thank you so much, Ros. I’m sorry for your loss. Klara has made such an impact in our community and her graphics will continue to do so for years to comme. I am so happy that you are interested in contributing to this project. I’ll be in touch.