A collage of 4 meals, title reads: How carbs make my MEcfs symptoms worse. Personal update

How Carbs Make My ME/CFS Worse

Carbs really make my ME/CFS symptoms worse! I have spent so much time on the sofa and in my bed again this week. One would think I’d no longer be surprised by this, but I continue to shake my head every time it happens. It’s the carbohydrate effect. This current flare is most likely due to the fact that I’m out of ketosis again since trying to deal with my allergies/histamine disorder. I assume I’m no longer fat adapted because,…

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A woman dancing in a field at sunset. TItle reads: the freedom of letting go. You don't notice the weight you're carrying until you let it go.

The Freedom Of Letting Go

​Sometimes you don’t notice the weight you’re carrying until you let it go. This is often such a hard truth to accept, but letting go of that control we try so hard to hold onto can actually be very liberating! There really is freedom in letting go. Being A Control Freak There are many areas in our lives where we crave order and control, but in reality it isn’t up to us and we can save ourselves a lot of…

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Char's legs covered in itchy bumps. Title reads: allergic reaction, itching and hives. Personal Update.

Allergic Reaction: Itching And Hives

I went to the doctor again this week. This is the fourth doctor I’ve seen about my itching. She was lovely and also thinks it’s an allergic reaction after examining the bumps with a magnifying tool. She initially thought folliculitis, but changed her mind upon inspection. The constant itching and hives are really becoming a problem. They don’t go away anymore. They used to just last about an hour then go away, but this week it has been non-stop. So…

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Book Review: The PK Cookbook by Dr Sarah Myhill. Go Paleo-ketogenic and get the best of both worlds.

The Paleo-Ketogenic Cookbook, by Dr Sarah Myhill

Dr Myhill’s latest book arrived in the mail ​this week! It’s a Paleo-ketogenic cookbook called “The PK Cookbook – Go Paleo-Keto and get the best of both worlds“. I managed to get a copy on early release and love what I’ve seen so far. Couldn’t Put It Down I’ve been so excited to get this book and have already gone through the whole book, highlighting and sticking post-it notes all over the place! ​I like all the information I’ve seen,…

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Char sitting in a wheelchair in a botanical nursery. Title reads: shopping with the family, Personal Update.

My Wheelchair And I: Shopping With The Family

​I actually left the house this week! Leaving the house is not something that happens very often when you have a chronic illness as debilitating as M​yalgic Encephalomyelitis. Months can go by without seeing the other side of my front door. I have reached a point where I’m able to walk around the house daily without causing too much payback, but going out is still so utterly draining that it usually takes me days to recover. My First Outing In…

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Char lying on the sofa, looking exhausted. Title reads: how I've been since moving to the new house. Personal update.

How I’ve Been Since Moving To The New House

We are settled in the new house now and I’m happy to say that I’m doing much better than I was a few months ago in London! Of course I’m still housebound, but I’m able to be up and walk around the house in the day. No more staying in bed all day, except during flares if I overdo things. Something I did over the last two days, but other than that I haven’t ​had a big flare since moving…

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Woman with her hands in her hair, she looks frustrated. Title reads: Our house is infested with teeny, tiny white bugs. TIny mites that look like specks of dust moving around.

What Are These Teeny, Tiny White Bugs All Over My House And How To Get Rid Of These Little Mites?

I was shocked to discover that my bed, which was in the house when we moved in, had some teeny, tiny white bugs! Not bedbugs thankfully, but tiny dust mites or mould mites. Teeny, tiny white specks of dust that crawl around independently. So annoying because now I cannot stop staring at every speck of dust I notice on any surface: Does it move? Is it alive? It’s quite nerve wrecking! Dust Mites or Mould Mites Those tiny white specks…

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Some books and papers strewn on the table. Title reads: I'm still itching, time to find the unknown allergen. Personal update.

Still Itching: Time To Find The Unknown Allergen

I’m still struggling with this allergic reaction that started in February. I initially thought it was the Keto rash and tried coming off the ketogenic diet to get rid of it, without success. I then thought histamine intolerance, so I went low histamine, which cut out a huge amount of staples for me, including my main fat sources. So I added dairy back in. This full body itch still persists, I’m not sure what it is and it just won’t…

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Char is holding a devotional. Title reads: The freedom of the gospel. It took me 30 years to learn this truth about the gospel.

Took Me 30 Years To Learn This Truth About The Gospel

So many Christians live in fear and doubt these days. I know this well, I was one of them. I loved God and wanted to please Him, but I feared ​Him too, and His judgement. I feared angering Him and I feared death because I doubted my own salvation. I was relying on my own flawed and weak attempts to be good enough and lived in constant disappointment and frustration at my own shortcomings. I knew I could never live…

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Char lying down, looking drained. Title reads: It's been one of those days, again. Personal Update

It’s Been One Of Those Days, Again

Today is one of those days… I’ve overdone things this week. Went out to GP on Monday and although I was in wheelchair, it knocked me hard. As if that wasn’t enough, I then also went into Sainsbury’s afterwards to get my meds.  I should have stayed in the hot car rather than going with into the busy supermarket, but the pharmacy had a delay in preparing my medication, so we thought the cooler shop would be better than the…

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