A long list of symptoms, title reads: my symptoms of ME/cfs in 2015. Dozens of fluctuating symptoms.

My Many Symptoms Of ME/CFS In 2015

You might be wondering why on earth I’d write about the symptoms of ME/cfs when everybody knows Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME is about always being tired. What most people don’t know is that this neurological illness causes dozens of unrelenting symptoms that fluctuate constantly and are quite unpredictable. The very least of these is an unfathomable exhaustion at the…

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Clouds in a blue sky, Title reads: Assessment and diagnosis at the chronic fatigue clinic, an update on my ME/cfs journey.

My Assessment And Diagnosis At The Chronic Fatigue Clinic

I attended my first appointment with the Chronic Fatigue Clinic today. I finally have an official diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis). At last! I was referred to the CFS clinic by my doctor about 5 months ago, but the waiting lists are long. I’ve been searching for help online in the meantime and just doing…

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