Char's legs covered in itchy bumps. Title reads: allergic reaction, itching and hives. Personal Update.

Allergic Reaction: Itching And Hives

I went to the doctor again this week. This is the fourth doctor I’ve seen about my itching. She was lovely and also thinks it’s an allergic reaction after examining the bumps with a magnifying tool. She initially thought folliculitis, but changed her mind upon inspection. The constant itching and hives are really becoming a problem. They don’t go away anymore. They used to just last about an hour then go away, but this week it has been non-stop. So…

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Book Review: The PK Cookbook by Dr Sarah Myhill. Go Paleo-ketogenic and get the best of both worlds.

The Paleo-Ketogenic Cookbook, by Dr Sarah Myhill

Dr Myhill’s latest book arrived in the mail ​this week! It’s a Paleo-ketogenic cookbook called “The PK Cookbook – Go Paleo-Keto and get the best of both worlds“. I managed to get a copy on early release and love what I’ve seen so far. Couldn’t Put It Down I’ve been so excited to get this book and have already gone through the whole book, highlighting and sticking post-it notes all over the place! ​I like all the information I’ve seen,…

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Some books and papers strewn on the table. Title reads: I'm still itching, time to find the unknown allergen. Personal update.

Still Itching: Time To Find The Unknown Allergen

I’m still struggling with this allergic reaction that started in February. I initially thought it was the Keto rash and tried coming off the ketogenic diet to get rid of it, without success. I then thought histamine intolerance, so I went low histamine, which cut out a huge amount of staples for me, including my main fat sources. So I added dairy back in. This full body itch still persists, I’m not sure what it is and it just won’t…

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Title reads Keto for ME/cfs, How the ketogenic diet reduced my symptoms. Photo of asparagus, avocado, chia seeds, eggs and tomato on a while table top.

How The Ketogenic Diet Reduced My ME/CFS Symptoms

If you’ve been following my journey for a while, you’ll be aware that I use Keto for ME/cfs management. I often get asked what this ketogenic diet has done for me. What benefits have I had? Why should somebody give up those delicious carbs and starchy foods? Are the benefits really worth the sacrifice? Should you try Keto for ME/cfs too? In this post I’ll explain my journey so far. In short, in my opinion, the answer is yes –…

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An empty plate with knife and fork. Title reads: How to get started on a ketogenic diet. Prepare for your new way of life and calculate your macros.

How To Get Started On A Ketogenic Diet, part 1

Transitioning to a ketogenic diet can be quite daunting! Not only are you changing the way you eat, but the nature of this diet requires a long-term commitment. You cannot do it half-way, you cannot mix and match it with something else. Specially not if you’re doing it for healing purposes. You have to be all in for at least a few months. I hope this post will make the whole process easier and help you get started on the…

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A bed with lots of pillows in front of a blue wall. Title reads: The Effects of M.E. awareness campaign featuring quotes from people with M.E.

M.E. Awareness Campaign: The Effects Of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

In 2017 I created the “Effects of ME” campaign for ME Awareness month in May. Quotes were collected from patients about how ME affects their daily life and I then used those quotes anonymously to create impactful graphics which the community could share during the online awareness campaigns. The campaign continues to run to this day, with new quotes trickling in all the time. The graphics have been very well received in the M.E. community and continue to be shared…

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Char scratching her arm. Title reads: Keto rash, relieve the itch.

Keto Rash: Relieve The Itch

This past week has been rather frustrating – I started itching all over my body! I had been itching previously too, but put it down to the fact that I wasn’t showering very frequently due to my CFS, but I have come to the conclusion that I might have that they call Keto Rash. With the paleo-ketogenic diet I have actually improved my condition slightly and have been able to shower every 3-4 days rather than only once a week.…

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Plate of salad. Title reads, basic paleo ketogenic meal plan for beginners. breaking it down to avoid overwhelm.

Basic Paleo-ketogenic Meal Plan for Beginners

Since starting Dr Myhill’s recommended diet, I have had quite a few requests for a basic meal plan. Many people find it hard to navigate through all the information that is out there, specially us spoonies with brain fog! I have had a while to work through the relative chapters in the book and have been on this journey for 6 weeks now. I am starting to feel the benefits! This is the very first meal plan outline I gave my…

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Meat and vegetables on a table. TItle reads: My first 40 days on the paleo-ketogenic diet. Using diet to manage my chronic pain and fatigue.

My First 40 Days On The Paleo-Ketogenic Diet

I’m happy to report that there have been some welcome improvements after a month on this LCHF (Low Carb, High Fat) diet! As discussed in a previous post, I started this journey into a Paleo-ketogenic lifestyle in February 2017 in an attempt to help improve my current condition. I have quite severe ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) which has left me bedridden about 98% of the time. Things were looking quite bleak a few weeks ago, I was getting progressively…

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Woman lying on bed, exhausted. Title reads, How to cope when you're low on energy. 10 tips for managing life with debilitating exhaustion.

How To Cope When You’re Low on Energy

Having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or any other chronic illness for that matter, can be extremely draining and leave you without much energy to do even the most basic things. How do you cope when you only have enough energy to do one or two things each day? There are a number of things I started doing (or avoiding) once I realised that I was constantly reaching beyond my limits and actually causing my flare-ups, I will share them here. I…

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