Leaves in the pouring rain. Title Reads, keeping an eternal perspective despite our circumstances.

Keeping An Eternal Perspective

I absolutely believe that we are safer with God in any storm than we would be anywhere else without Him. It’s hard when you focus on the pain and suffering in this world or even your own personal trials to remember that this is just a fraction of eternity. This will eventually pass, it is only a temporary part of your life. Keeping ​an eternal perspective allows you to see just how small and temporary every trial is in the…

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Update: current ME/CFS flare is slowing me down

It’s hard to deal with these unexpected flares or relapses that seem to come out of the blue. You end up asking yourself a million questions. What did I do wrong? Did I eat the wrong thing? What did I do yesterday or the day before to cause this much pain? Why am I so weak today, did I overdo it this week? Was the TV too loud? Did I miss the signs and push too hard? Did I get…

Read MoreUpdate: current ME/CFS flare is slowing me down
A woman looking off to the side, she's sad and demotivated

You’ve Got This: You’re A Warrior And A Survivor

When living with a chronic illness, whether it’s a physiological or psychological condition, it is common to start doubting yourself. Your confidence dwindles as you lose the ability to function the way you once did. You might start to feel useless, helpless and hopeless, but there is so much you can still offer the world, don’t let doubt and negative self-talk steal your joy and faith! Note: You may freely download and share the following graphics on social media or…

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Healthcare professionals pulling a patient's bed along the corridor

Why I Avoid Emergency Services And My Top Tips For Coping At Home

I often see people with ME/CFS writing about how they have spent hours in the emergency room only to be completely disappointed, misunderstood or even disbelieved. They go to the emergency room because they are feeling so weak and exhausted that they don’t know where else to go or what to do, they’re scared because they feel so utterly ill. I understand the fear that leads you to that conclusion, it’s scary to lose control of your body, but it’s…

Read MoreWhy I Avoid Emergency Services And My Top Tips For Coping At Home
a 6-year-old Char sitting on the rocks at the beach, her dad is seated behind her

My Life Story In 20 Sentences, For The #20FunFacts Challenge

I write a lot about my experience with chronic illness, my diet and my faith, but there are many things about me that you probably don’t know. This is a fun post I wrote over on Instagram, but I wanted to share it with my readers here too. You might be familiar with the #20FunFacts tag that’s been going around on social media – this is my response to that. My Life Story In 20 Sentences 1. I was born…

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a woman sitting alone on a windowsill, looking lonely. Title reads Isolation, why people drift away when you're chronically ill and why this might be a good thing

Isolation: Why Do People Drift Away?

Sometimes it’s hard to accept that when you’re living with a chronic illness, people fall away, but it is something that commonly happens after a period of time, and it might even be beneficial. Initially, once people are made aware of your struggles, you might have an outpouring of support and practical help from many around you, but over time, when you don’t improve, most people will inevitably drift away as they are unable to make taking care of you…

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White flowers in a bouquet. Title reads: Does chronic illness make you feel useless? Don't compare yourself to others, you are enough.

Does Chronic Illness Make You Feel Useless?

Does chronic illness make you feel useless? I know that many ​Christians with chronic illness feel like they are no longer useful to God or others, that they have lost all purpose and can no longer contribute to society or ministry, but that is just not true! Don’t compare your resources ​and abilities to anybody else’s, they are yours and they are enough. God ​Can Use ​Us Despite Ourselves We may have good reasons why we can no longer be…

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Char is pointing to her shirt which shows an empty battery with the words "low spoon warning" on it. Title reads: Histamine issues have caused the M.E. to flare up. personal update.

My Histamine Issues Have Caused An ME/CFS Flare

​It’s been a while since I wrote a personal update. I have recently been extremely drained and weak, so haven’t been very social or active online. My primary focus this month was on my itching. I wanted to try get it under control as it was really getting me down, much more than ​the M.E. does. I ​have been in tears and so very frustrated. The scratching ​has been utterly exhausting and to top it off, I caused myself a…

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A pill bottle and glass of water in the foreground, in the background a woman sleeping on a bed. Title reads: using MSM supplements to relieve chronic pain. Methylsulfonyl Methane, also called the miracle supplement

MSM for Chronic Pain Relief

​I’ve had quite a few people ask what I’m using for ​to reduce chronic pain. One of my favourite things since falling ill is MSM supplements. It is my one staple since I first heard about it and it’s potential to help the body heal from all sorts of things. It is even ​referred to as the “miracle supplement” and also the “beauty mineral” because it is so beneficial in so many areas. One of the reasons for this is…

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Char's legs covered in blankets. Title reads: How I'm tackling the MEcfs flares. Personal Update.

How I’m Tackling The ME/CFS Flares

I had been doing so well for so long that I had almost forgotten how bad these flares can get. It can be discouraging when you are reminded so unexpectedly of the horrible passenger you carry with you always. This ME/CFS might be managed or worked around for a time, but it does come back to show itself from time to time, makes sure you remember it’s still there and just how strong it is. ​This is especially evident when…

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