When living with a chronic illness, whether it’s a physiological or psychological condition, it is common to start doubting yourself. Your confidence dwindles as you lose the ability to function the way you once did. You might start to feel useless, helpless and hopeless, but there is so much you can still offer the world, don’t let doubt and negative self-talk steal your joy and faith!
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You have overcome so much already. Every day you wake up is a new victory and a clean page in your story on which you can write the next chapter. You’re brave and strong.
Things that healthy people take for granted: their mental clarity, their energy, their physical strength – you fight for every little bit of it that you can find just to get through each day!
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I know that in the lonely dark times, you feel like you’re alone in your struggle and you doubt you’ll pull through it sometimes, but you’re never alone! Your Heavenly Father is with you always, He has promised to never leave you or forsake you. Never.
No matter what you/re going through, how dark it may seem, you’re never walking this road alone and all things are possible with Christ who gives you strength.
Just think about this: You’ve got through 100% of your worst days so far! That’s amazing!
You’ve got what it takes to get through whatever you’re going through. He doesn’t call the equipped, but equips the called. He will provide you with the strength and the courage and even the very breath that you need to get through each moment. Just keep your eyes on Him and believe.
You’re a warrior, a survivor!
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Nice Article. Believe in yourself is very motivating.