Pills lying on a table top. Title reads: Supplements to manage chronic fatigue and pain. Find out which supplements have helped me the most

Supplements To Manage Chronic Fatigue And Pain

I am often asked about the benefits of using supplements for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. People usually want to know which supplements I use for chronic pain or fatigue so they can have a better idea about where to start with their own supplement regime. Unfortunately, like everything else about this illness, we all respond differently, so what…

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A bed and bedside table with a lamp on it. Title reads: You might be an M.E. sufferer if... part 1, guest post by David A Graham.

You Might Be An M.E. Sufferer If… (Part 1) Guest Post By David A Graham

​I can’t read this without a ​smile on my face and shaking my head in agreement. In this three-part series our guest author, David Graham, shares ​his humorous ​take ​on life with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. I ​think it also ties in wonderfully with our Effects Of M.E. awareness campaign. I hope it makes you ​giggle as much as I am! ​I’ve…

Read MoreYou Might Be An M.E. Sufferer If… (Part 1) Guest Post By David A Graham
An empty bed in a dark room, title reads: Poem, Severe M.E. is... What it's like living with severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

A Poem About Life With Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

​August 8 is Severe M.E. Awareness Day. A day to give a voice to the millions of people around the world who are living in isolation and torment due to the harsh effects of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. 25% of people with M.E. are housebound or bedridden. The most severe living in darkness and silence for years… decades even. Neglected, misunderstood, vulnerable…

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Lots of hands giving thumbs up with gold confetti falling down. Title Reads WEGO Health Awards, ChronicallyHopeful

My 2019 WEGO Health Award Nomination – Best In Show: Facebook

​I’m so honoured and grateful to be nominated once again for the ​WEGO Health Award​s. Last year I was nominated for ​the Best In Show: Blog category, this year it’s for the Best In Show: ​Facebook category for all my ME/CFS advocacy​. ​Being an advocate is hard work, especially when you have a severe chronic illness like Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Patients are…

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