Title reads My chronic illness Story, How it all started and how you can help, by Chronically Hopeful, Picture of Char lying in bed under blankets, shes in an ME flare wearing sunglasses and headphones

My Chronic Illness Story: How I Became Housebound With Severe M.E.

​May is ME Awareness Month and once again I am participating in the ​virtual campaigns online to help raise awareness of this life-destroying illness called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Today I’m sharing my story. How did I become so terribly ill and housebound? When did it happen? And how long did I have to wait for a diagnosis? Here’s my ME story:…

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#MillionsMissing Personalised poster for ME awareness. How to get your own millions missing poster

Get Your Own Personalised Millions Missing Poster For ME Awareness Month

May is #MEAwarenessMonth and I thought, since many of us cannot go to the live #MillionsMissing events in person, I’d like to help my fellow people with ME (pwME) to raise awareness online by offering you personalised Millions Missing posters!  Personalised Millions Missing Posters! Here are a few examples of what they look like. Scroll down to find out how…

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Title reads Health and fitness the week I fell ill with severe ME. Photo of Char and friends walking in a park wearing pink fluffy bunny ears and carrying green balloons. By Chronically Hopeful

Health And Fitness: A Week Before I Fell Ill With Severe Chronic Illness

​Ironically my life was super busy and active during the weeks and months ​before the onset of what lead to my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome diagnosis. There seems to be the general belief that we are tired or lazy or that we have some sort of unhealthy aversion or fear of exercise, but nothing could be further from the truth! As…

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In a dark room a hand is held up to block the light that is shining in. Title reads, Photophobia in ME and CFS. 20 Patients share their experience.

Photophobia: 6 Ways To Cope With Light Sensitivity

​Have you ever experienced that moment of intense pain in your eyes and head when you’ve opened the curtains on a bright and sunny day? Anybody who has experienced a migraine or even a hangover would likely understand what I’m talking about too. Although photophobia or light sensitivity ​might ​seem quite common among ​the general population, it can be quite…

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A pile of boxes stacked up next to a radiator. Title reads Moving to a new house, plus 12 tips to make moving easier

Moving To A New House – Plus 12 Ways To Make Moving Easier If You’re Chronically Ill

This summer was a season of great change for our family. After little more than a year in our flat, my dad had found us a lovely big house with a garden and we were packing again. Moving house can be quite stressful for the healthiest of people, so it can really be a nightmare for somebody with a severe…

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A collage of awareness pictures, Title reads: Where to find impactful M.E. awareness pictures

Where To Find ME Awareness Pictures

Have you been searching for graphics to easily share with friends and family what Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is really like? Would you like to share relevant and informative infographics about ME? Find pictures that will give visual impact and get the point across without wasting your energy and time explaining? I’m so excited to introduce ME Awareness Pictures to you today!…

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Book cover on the left features girl standing outside on a farm with caption that reads "Can a rebellious heart find peace?". On the right it says Book Review, Nobody's Girl, A pre-WWII Family Saga Fiction by Tania Crosse

Book Review: Nobody’s Girl, By Tania Crosse

I’m so excited to share this heart-warming story with you today! Nobody’s Girl by Tania Crosse is a fantastic book full of family drama, tragedy, friendship and love. You will follow wonderfully relatable characters through the most trying times of their lives – prepare to be transported on a rollercoaster of emotional events. Loved this book! The boom years immediately…

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A crocheted twiddle muff with tassels and buttons on it lying on the carpet. Title reads, How to crochet s twiddle muff

How To Crochet A Twiddle Muff, A Handmade Sensory Toy To Relieve Anxiety

Most people with chronic illness have experienced anxiety or panic at some point.  It’s not always a condition on it’s own, but commonly is a symptom of other illnesses that affect the autonomic nervous system. There are many ways to reduce anxiety and stress, but today I will be sharing a fun and creative craft project that will help you…

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Char pulling a funny face. Title reads: How to have M.E. successfully. A humorous look at life with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.

How To Have ME Successfully

I came across this fantastic list of guidelines for how to live successfully with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and just had to share it. It’s so refreshing to ​read a light-hearted account of life with this ​horrible illness. I’ll be sharing this humorous look at life with M.E. below as well as explain the realities of each point in more detail to…

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