A pink donut tube floating in a swimming pool. Title reads, Summer survival kit and Tips to beat the heat.

My Summer Survival Kit & Top Tips To Beat The Heat. Spoonie Gift Guide, Part 4

Summer can be a really difficult time for people with chronic illness. Regulating body temperature is a common problem. Add in a rare summer heat wave and you have a recipe for horrific flares including utter exhaustion, weakness, headaches and so much discomfort and sweating! So I’m sharing my 10 top tips to beat the heat and survive the summer…

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Sunshine Blogger Award 2018, ChronicallyHopeful

Sunshine Blogger Award, June 2018

Chronically Hopeful has been nominated for another blog award! The Sunshine Blogger Award is awarded to bloggers by bloggers, in recognition of their contribution to the community. In particular the Sunshine Blogger Award is awarded to those bloggers whose posts bring a bit of sunshine to the community by spreading joy and positivity.  I am honoured to have been selected.…

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