A woman carrying a bucket of cleaning products. Title reads: Don't do your best, do less. How to avoid the boom and bust cycle.

Don’t Do Your Best, Do Less: How To Avoid The Boom And Bust Cycle

Anybody who has ME or CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) will be very familiar with the boom and bust cycle. ME’s main characteristic is Post-Exertional Neuroimmune Exhaustion (PENE) also commonly referred to as Post Exertional Malaise (PEM). Feeling really ill, weak and exhausted after any physical, emotional or mental exertion.  This means brushing my teeth, getting excited about a visitor…

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Man in a wheelchair with his hand on the wheel. Title reads: Not all disabilities are visible. International day of people with disabilities.

International Day of People with Disabilities: Not All Disabilities Are Visible

December 3 is International Day of People with Disabilities. It’s a great opportunity to raise awareness and make some noise all over the internet (and in real life) if you can manage it. The message I want to get across this year, is that not every disability is visible. There are many conditions that do not display any outward signs…

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Char standing out in the sunshine, wearing a leather jacket and a woolen neck warmer she knitted. Title reads: I've started knitting again. Knitting project 1

I’ve Started Knitting Again!

Celebrating my first completed knitting project since I was about ten years old! I have been trying to knit a scarf with this one ball of wool for years and years, I’ve knitted and undone it so many times over and last night I finally completed it. One ball obviously wasn’t enough for a full scarf, so it’s been turned…

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A polaroid of Char using a walker to go shopping. Title Reads: Using Mobility Aids In My Thirties

Mobility Aids, The Benefits Of Using A Walker For Shopping

As a thirty-something year old woman, who looks perfectly healthy, walking around a supermarket with a walking aid most commonly used by the elderly can bring up all kinds of feelings. When elderly people who are clearly struggling are walking around the same supermarket without any mobility aids, the looks you get can cause an odd mixture of gratitude, shame…

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